
Tuesday 2 April 2019


 Kia Ora, everyone today so today we are with the Hurumanu class as usual we are always together like when we are doing art and some other stuff but on Monday we stop our art class and change it to P.E but we will be doing art until Term 4 we because there like a little change. So term 1 or maybe 2 we are doing physical education with the Hurumanu class and do some blogging of what we did and learn so like what I'm doing I will tell you everything I learn. So first start Mrs Allan Fletcher talk to us and tell us what are we going so today on our P.E we we're talking about F.B.N it mean football, basketball, and netball and she explained everything that we need to know and give us some rules of what we have to do and we must follow them. Today we focus on football so our goal was to trap the ball and don't just kick to a random place because she know that we are just going to kick it to a random place. So we have to be in a group of four and practise how to trap a ball and for the another part of our football we have to find another group and play with them at the first start we kinda don't understand what to do so we ask our wonderful Mrs. Allan Fletcher of what do we have to do so she explained to everyone and she want to make that everyone understand it.So we only have to do is to try to trap the ball from the other team and try to chase the ball form them and stop them so they can't go to your base.

So after lunch time we have to go back to the old gym with the Hurumanu class and do some other stuff so what we did is we sit down and listen to the teacher instruction and then after a while they split into two group and this how they split us so they said if we are wearing our p.e top we have to vs the other team after we have spilt up the teacher explain to us some rules and how does this thing work.The name of the game is Multiple Sports( I'm not quite sure about it) and this how it's going to work so the're are some random sport that we have to do but us we only have 3 sports to do and that was the football, basketball,and netball we have to do does thing because that what we learn on our last period, so if the teacher is holding the ball and when he call 5 people he will throw the ball on the centre and 5 people on your group have to go up and vs the other team and if the your group or the other group get to goal the game is done and another round but it was different the teacher will keep calling some number and some people have to do it they are just going to play the bell ring, after the game we have to do a blogging and I was really happy because I learn a lot of stuff and learn some tricks but be careful while you are playing this games.