
Thursday 27 June 2019

Water Cycle- Science

Hurumanu: The Water Cycle



A green box with icons and white text. Text reads: Where is Earth's Water? 96.5 percent is in the oceans; 1.7 percent is in lakes, rivers, streams, and soil; 1.7 percent is in polar ice caps, glaciers, and permanent snow; 0.001 percent is in water vapor in Earth's atmosphere

Scientific words:

  • Evaporation. When water is heated by radiant energy it turns into water vapor.
  • Transpiration. Evaporation from plants.
  • Condensation. When water vapor cools, molecules join together and form clouds.
  • Precipitation. When clouds get heavy the waters falls as rain, sleet, hail, or snow.
  • Acidification: the action or process of making or becoming acidic.

We will be conducting an experiment that looks at the different ways that climate change is affecting the water cycle.
An illustration of the water cycle showing how water travels from rivers and streams to clouds to snow and back again


Bag 1: Normal Water cycle
Bag 2: Water cycle with CO2 added: like Oceans in climate change
Bag 3: Water cycle with ice added: like Antarctica in climate change


  1.  Plastic bag
  2.  Vivid Marker
  3.  1 cup water
  4.   2 drops of food colouring
  5. Litmus paper ( only for the soda water )


  1. First thing you have to do was to get a plastic bag and get a vivid pen.  
  2.  The second thing you do was you have to draw on the plastic bag.
  3.  The third thing you have to do was put water on the plastic but not too much.
  4.  After you have put the water in your plastic bag you need to put food colouring  on it but only 2 drops
  5. The last thing you have to do was to stick the bag on the window.

Two Images:



In my opinion the water will moist in the bag and it will be a bit foggy in the top, and I also think the water will became less - Evaporation.

For the second there would be more air forming in the plastic bag because when you blow a balloon it will fill up with air, if we did this right the yellow paper will became red.


In science my group told me that they we're looking at the water cycle, and they learn 4 new words that was about evaporation.They did some research and the have to find out the definition of the water cycle and they have to include the new 4 words that they had learn. In their experiment they include a lot of stuff like the zip lock bag, in the zip lock bag they have to draw the water cycle in the drawing there a piece of a land, in that land there a tree, it has ocean,clouds, the sun, and the rain. It look's really fun doing this experiment and I want to learn more about it.
In the second one it was also the same but there's  a special paper called Litmus paper and when we check it the paper will become red.

Wednesday 26 June 2019


 Kia Ora, last week on Wednesday which is week 7,  for our Community Impact project we had to pick 6 different vegetable seed to plant on our own garden, and the other people are helping Mrs Allan and make some plum jams so there is 2-3 groups we split into 2-3 groups so the other group are doing some research with the other people and Mrs Allan pick a small bunch group to her to make a plum jams. Let's to talk about the vegetable seed so I have pick 6 different vegetable that can grow on winter because it almost the season of winter and also we only have to pick vegetable seeds not a fruit, flower. The plant that we picked are going to be plant this seeds at the place that we clean last week and that is the compost area but first we have to plant this thing in the egg tray till it sprouts out of the dirt then we will take it don to the school garden. There some reason why the first I think to make our school more beautiful and clean, and also to we plant vegetables because they are healthy for you body and the second purpose was we're trying to improved the school and to make some new change.
The vegetables that I picked was:

1. Carrot- You need to plant
2. Broccoli-They can grow through February and March, and April it is easy to grow but the only problem they need to be avoid is and can only lived beside beans the dwarf bush but bean is fine,but don't plant it by climbing pole beans,tomato,peppers- like chilli and capsicum, eggplant, and strawberries so be careful. Then after 10-16 weeks you can harvest them.
3. Cauliflower- The cauliflower take 3-4 months before we can harvest it and Cauliflower doesn't like the temperatures over 25 degrees, so make sure that you are planting it in the right time.
4. Onion-  They can take six to eight months to mature, but you can harvest them if you grow and properly stored mature onions and it will last a long time.
5. Lettuce- When you'r planting lettuce it has to be at least 20-30 cm apart form another plant,it can be harvest n 8-12 weeks but just do not grow them close to celery or parsley plant.
6.Broad Beans- They can grow through March to the end of July, they need to be grow where the place a lot are pollinate since also the broad beans are need to be also pollinate. It takes 18-25 weeks you can harvest them and eat them.

Charlesworth Reserve

 Hi guys, this blog post was about Charlesworth reserve e have to go there on Wednesday because we have to plant trees and I'm very excited about that that I would help them and help the nature.   
This is a facts about the Charlesworth reserve.

Thursday 13 June 2019



You can decide on how you would like to do this investigation. Your presentation could be on the blog, slides, or powerpoint.

Investigate the different Fossil Fuels listed?

  1. Coal - coal causes global warming,which is combined with extreme weather and wildfires.Climate change is coal's most serious, long-term, global impact. Coal is mostly carbon, which, when burned, reacts with oxygen in the air to produce carbon dioxide, a heat-trapping gas,air pollution form coal can affect the environment very badly because it can affect the public health, because burning coal can affect of your Respiratory.
  2. Oil

Write a paragraph and upload an image about each of these renewable energies.

Solar power system procure clean and it has a pure energy from the sun. Having this solar panels it can help your home to attack greenhouse gas emissions and it help to reduce and collective dependence on fossil fuel.
 Wind power would still help the world stop pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which would fight climate change and global warming.

Hydro power does not pollute the air  or the water and that's good, and that can help the native plant and animals in the river and on land.Also the Hydro power can reduce our greenhouse gas emissions – as well as our dependency on fossil fuels – is by increasing the proportion of electricity that is generated from wind and other renewable energy resources.