
Sunday 28 July 2019

Hurumanu - Water Cycle - Science!



A green box with icons and white text. Text reads: Where is Earth's Water? 96.5 percent is in the oceans; 1.7 percent is in lakes, rivers, streams, and soil; 1.7 percent is in polar ice caps, glaciers, and permanent snow; 0.001 percent is in water vapor in Earth's atmosphere

Scientific words:

  • Evaporation. When water is heated by radiant energy it turns into water vapor.
  • Transpiration. Evaporation from plants.
  • Condensation. When water vapor cools, molecules join together and form clouds.
  • Precipitation. When clouds get heavy the waters falls as rain, sleet, hail, or snow.
  • Acidification: the action or process of making or becoming acidic.

We will be conducting an experiment that looks at the different ways that climate change is affecting the water cycle.
An illustration of the water cycle showing how water travels from rivers and streams to clouds to snow and back again


Bag 1: Normal Water cycle
Bag 2: Water cycle with CO2 added: like Oceans in climate change
Bag 3: Water cycle with ice added: like Antarctica in climate change



  1.  2 Plastic bag (ziplock)
  2.  Vivid pen
  3.  A cup of water and half a cup of soda water.
  4.  Food coloring
  5. Litmus paper (only for the one with soda water)


  1.  Grab a plastic bag or we could say ziplock bag and it has to be kinda large because your gonna put some water in it and your gonna draw on it.
  2.  Grab a pen and start to draw the clouds, water, trees, and the words.
  3.  Pour a cup of water into the bag not too much.
  4.  Add at least two drops of food coloring it choice if you want different colour but it as ideally blue
  5.  Stick the bags on a window where the sun comes through regularly.

The Water Cycle: Bag 1
CO2 Water Cycle: Bag 2
Desert Water Cycle
Bag 3
Does it cycle?
Yes Yes Yes 
Amount of Water

Key: Water and acidity amount: 1 = none 
2 = small drips
3 = large drips

Other comments:

1. For the water cycle 1 it has no acidity. Because it evaporated and there are small drips of water all over in the bag.

2.  In the water cycle bag 1 it successfully went through the process of the water cycle

3. because of the water cycle it had created small drips of water.

Bag 2 :
4. For our bag 2 we used soda water and we put some blue food colouring.

5.  For the CO2 water cycle bag 2  had a success in the the process despite the soda water.

6. Bag 2 created small droplets of water as part of the water cycle.

Bag 3:
7. The water cycle in bag 3 was successful.

8. For bag 3 it had contained sand so we added a small amount of water because the water cycle wouldn't work with out it. 
9. Bag 3 had no form of acidity contained in it.


In this project we created 3 different bags and it has to be related to the water cycle, the first one that we did was the water and the second bag that we did was different because we use soda and lastly we used was sand and a bit of water. All if the bags that we made has formed some small droplets all over the bags and only bag 1 didn't any of the acidity because it was only water but the bag 2 has some acidity because we used soda in it. Days have past we thought that this experiment will be successful but we only saw some fogging up inside the bag which is condensation/moisture. The bag 3 there was a little paper called Litmus paper and it supposed to be blue but it didn't work but that's okay I think we still have to wait.

Hexagon Conclusion:
 In our project our first word was ocean for the first hexagon, we did ocean because in our opinion that where everything starts. The ocean was next to flooding because I know that ocean can cause flooding from the temperature of the climate change, then the sun evaporates water form the ocean and then it create gas. When the sun evaporates water it creates cloud which is also known as the condensation also there will be Water vapour because they connect together which is moist or moisture.Then the Carbon Dioxide since it can cause acid rain after the Carbon Dioxide there will be Precipitation and also called as the rain and when it rain it causes Freshwater also we all know that when it rain badly it can cause Hurricane and also Storms

This what it look like.

Draw a labelled diagram of the Water Cycle

Water cycle words:
  1. Precipitation - When it rains it can help the plants not to get dry and it also help them alive but it can also cause floods.
  2. Hurricanes -  There's more rainfall because of the cause of the climate change, and it can cause more damage of flooding and it can also destroy houses because of the amount of rainfall.
  3. Storms - Since our world change because of the climate change, and it change the weather  a lot and it caused many more dangerous storms.
  4. Evaporation - The water evaporate it will come back as know as snow and rain but because of the climate change and it has increased the air temperature which causes ore of the evaporation.
  5. Carbon Dioxide - Carbon Dioxide is one of the main reason why our climate change because it causes a lot of stuff like flooding and of course the air pollution.
  6. Water - The climate change has increased the sea water and the water travels to a cold places and it melts the glacier faster.
  7. Oceans - The human make a mess of the carbon dioxide, and the green house which causes the oceans help our earth's climate.
  8. Water vapour - Water vapour is like similar to green house gases because once it was realised to the air the water temperatures and it also the warming form Carbon Dioxide.
  9. Freshwater - This involve climate change the fresh water has changed over the decades because of our climate change and it also caused acid rain,Climate change has decreased the quality of the water and the salt water has also started to intrude into our water supplies.
  10. Flooding - Because of climate change the weather has change a lot because of the storms, hurricanes, it has caused many floods and also because water level raised up and it that can also caused some floods.

Water cycle words:
  1. Precipitation - Is when it rains, snow,or hail.
  2. Hurricanes - It's a cyclone with strong wind, rain, hail that mostly tropical Caribbean 
  3. Storms - Storm is weather who causes strong wind, strong winds, and also it sometimes it also has thunder, and lightning. 
  4. Evaporation - Well Evaporation is when the sun heat's and it's also known as radiation evaporate in the sky.
  5. Carbon Dioxide - We all know that Carbon Dioxide is a gas that is produced from factories and also from burning fossil fuels.
  6. Water - Water is a liquid that can formed the lakes, ocean and also the source that we drink from.
  7. Oceans - Ocean is parts from the sea and some of those parts are habitat of marine life.
  8. Water vapour - The water vapour is a gas that comes from water, for example clouds, fog, and also when you heat up water it causes steam that is also water vapour.
  9. Freshwater - Freshwater was the kind of water that is similar to sea, lakes, and rivers.
  10. Flooding - Flooding cause a lot of problem like example flooding can destroy the nature because of overflow dirty water, they often can be caused by rivers , and overflowing lake and seas.


  1. Using your SOLO hexagons poster write a paragraph about the different aspects of climate change.
  2. Write about the following Climate Change concepts:


You can do these by powerpoint, embedding a movie , on your blog, on a doc or any other form of presentation. It is up to you.


Definition: Acidification is like taking an action on something or the process of making on something to become acidic.

Affects the Climate Change? : 
As I heard if all the humans in the world keep burning more and more fossil fuels and it change the our seawater and absorbed the carbon dioxide form our atmosphere that continue to rise, and make the sea temperatures hotter and hotter and which makes the sea more acidic refers to the decreasing level of the ocean.


Image result for diagram of ocean acidification

Diagram of how it affects the water cycle.

Related image


Definition: Deforestation is when it takes the action of clearing wide area of the trees all over the world.

How does it affects climate change? :
When the Deforestation take an action of clearing the forest and cut down trees or when it was burnt and it was natural but it stored carbon and it released into the atmosphere which mostly carbon dioxide. But loosing trees is bad but there are reason why they have to cut trees because it can make way for other land such as agriculture and also harvest of woods. But Deforestation affects our wildlife and cause climate change and furthermore Deforestation change the landscape.


Image result for deforestation

Diagram of how it affects the water cycle.

Related image


Definition: North or South Pole was covered by the ice, and when it melts it raise our sea level rise that can cause floods.

How does it affect climate change? :
We all know that the world is getting hotter and hotter because of the climate changes and it was enough to warn the Arctic melt the ice. Because of the icecaps it absorbs sunlight and the heat warms and it melt the icecaps. When the ice caps was melted because of the heat the sea level rise which cause some flooding.


Related image

Diagram of how it affects the water cycle.

Related image


Definition: Water Vapour was a gas it is caused by evaporation like example when something is boiling like water and etc and it also create water vapour.

How does it affect the climate change?:  
What I heard is when we we're dumping greenhouse gases in the climate the air become more humid and warming the atmosphere to rise but because of the water vapour which is the greenhouse gas itself helps make the carbon dioxide more worse because it became more warmer and it leads the temperature rise.


Image result for water vapour

Diagram of how it affects the water cycle:

Related image

1 comment:

  1. Lhysette
    What an extraordinary post, so much great work, with your thinking and learning so clearly . written. Have you thought of any one thing you can do as an individual that might make a difference, regardless of how small?


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