
Wednesday 29 April 2020

Narrative writing

Hello everyone, today I will be sharing a work that I've created this week. This is based on a activity that Mrs Allan want us to do, we have been working from home for a month now and it was not fun at all but lucky we have online class every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Yesterday Mrs Allan send us some work that we have to do, and when we finish doing it we have to make a blog post and tell what we have been doing and of course the activity. So this blog post is mostly about my Writing and seriously doing this activity is really fun like making your own story, etc.

The W.A.L.T is to write a narrative that could be used for the next Hollywood Blockbuster Movie. The very first thing we have to do is to choose one topic and the option are Horror, Fantasy and Action and Adventure but I choose Horror I don't know even know why even though I hate scary stuff, but writing Horror story was like fun and it really interest me a lot. That is my main reason why I pick Horror, the second I did is to watch the two videos as my inspiration then at the next slide there's a Horror word bank that I need to fill out. There's three words such as scary, panic and dark and my task is to think of other exciting words that is related to them.

When I finish doing that the fun start begin because at slide 13 I will have to make up the named of the character?, how old they are?, what do they look like? and what characteristics do they have? After a while I have thought of what would be the name of my character and their age, other things so the of my characters are Braxten 15 years old boy, Kizzy 15 years old girl and Messiah 14 years old girl. The next slide will be talking about the settings of my story so for my first setting they will be at school and the second setting will be at the forest.

Next slide is about Orientation ( Introduces the character and describing the settings ) and beside that there's a complication that I also need to fill out at first I was really stuck at understanding the meaning of this but luckily my sister help me understand it more, it took me a lot of time to fill out this slide and after I finished it the next slide is mainly talking about how the characters attempt to solve the problems but in my story the two people tried to solve the problems but failed. And the second to last activity is about the resolution like telling you guys how the story ends, well as u can tell the end of my story it didn't go well because I planned that all of my characters will die.

And last but not the least the Language Features they said that it will make my writing more interesting because it include Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Hyperbole, Onomatopoeia, Alliteration and Rhetorical Question. If your wondering what's the meaning of them well Simile compares two things by using the words like or as, Metaphor compares one thing to another without using like or as, Hyperbole exaggerated a statements to make a point, Personification gives human qualities to an animal or non living objects. While Onomatopoeia is a formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named and last is Alliteration well it used the same letter or sound at the beginning and it doesn't have to be rhymed.

This is the slide that I was talking about to you guys hope you like :)


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