
Friday 31 July 2020

Compliments - Wananga

Hello everyone, in our Wananga class we have this activity were we need to create something that represent me. Mrs Allan want us to do this because there's a lot of things happening around us like friendships, so what she did is she give us something where we designed it and let the other people gave us some compliments. The design that I planned to put in the paper is my second name and just add some random things and also to colour it to give the piece of artwork some life. First we learned about two different things like the first is about the appearance of people, and the other one is deeper compliments.  And the goal is to give everyone a deeper compliment like how you felt about them, and maybe some positive things to made their days. 

How I felt? 
Reading the compliment that my classmate gave me was really amazing because it make me special, and I gained more confident to be more brave and to be myself. I feel really happy actually because I never thought that " I'm amazing" and a hardworking person, I never thought of those about myself because I'm just a normal person who had a low profile. I was also surprised and loved at the same time, and that made my day.
Also there's one message that made me really shocked and that is from Mrs Allan, it was because she still remember the time when I was in Primary school and always hug her every time I saw her. I feel really proud of myself because I never thought that the person who I always give a hug will be a awesome and supportive teacher in high school. 

How I felt when I gave those compliments?
I have some mix emotion when I was writing this compliments to them first I was really happy that I will make someone smile, and then I have this second emotion that I can even explained. Let say because giving someone who is really special to me made me really emotional, because I can tell them how thankful I am to have them. 

Doing things made me really happy because I can open up my feelings and my thought to different person, I wanna say thank you to Mrs Allan for letting us do this.And I really enjoyed it because giving this compliments to them made me really good and also grateful. Having a teacher like her and having a classmate and friends like them, will always made my day no matter what happened. So my goal for this term and also the last term is to be more open, and to be more thankful person. 

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Script Annotation _ Drama

Kia Ora everyone, so today in Drama we did some activities like playing the statues. And the main point of the game is following the instruction, and stay focus. After playing we have to do the audition well it was when we have to choose, one short summary of a story and then planned what I wanted to add. 

The template include "Intentions", " My Script", " Techniques". My script was about Misunderstood Mother, it was about Cinderella and her stepmom. I have to act that Cinderella was the wrong one, like she doesn't do the chores and act really upset. Then planned how I feel, and how would I act the sentences in different actions. So here is the template that I did hope you like it.

Intentions: Complaining about how snow white action
I am really angry and very upset at that girl snow white
My Plan is to meet the evil witch and team up with her to kill snow white. So I’m not gonna take care of more KIDS!
I would be rich, thin, pretty,and also be the most powerful woman in the world.No one dares to touch me or even my precious hair!
Feel really proud that I know how to lie and make other people believe my point of view.
My leading body part - my hand

My Script :
Misunderstood Stepmother: Snow White?  I’ll tell you about Snow White!  You think she looks like that naturally?  (she spends hours on her makeup.) 
And who do you think cleans all that up? It wasn’t snow white, I’ll tell you that. I never made her do any chores. She’s just like my friend's stepdaughter,in front of guests she refuses to let anyone else lift a finger and then turns it around and makes us look bad. I’m telling you that Cinderella girl should get together with Snow white. Let them fight it out as to who gets to do the work. It’s like some kind of . . . Complex or something.
Techniques : Arms crossed need to look mean
Stand with shoulders back 
Body - Hands on hips.
 face - eyebrows lift up, the eyes is kinda glaring
I kinda raise my voice when I said the part “she refuses to let anyone lift a finger and then turns it around and MAKE US LOOK BAD”
Also legs are cross and act like a innocent one(to make it more believable)
Pose: look confused but kinda smirking, also look sad and upset.

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Term 3 Drama

This is our first day of term 3 drama, and it was usually called " Speaking my Truth ". The first thing we did was we play some games called Statues, 7 up, Tequila and not but not least copy circle. Why? Well because we need to work on our courage, and work well with other people who we don't usually talk with. Mrs Clark, also do this so we can improve our gesture and movement, also to test our Resilience.

7 up: Well first we have to form a circle and one person start to one while doing some gesture, such as pointing to his or her sit mate. Then when one person get the number seven she/he have to put her hand up above her head. And start again.

Tequila: Same as this one we have to form a circle and this include a lot of movement because we have to move around when someone said the word " Tequila", and also team work and listening skills . I had fun doing this because it help me to be more active in Drama class.

Statues: One person need to be in and she/ he will be the one who need to observe us, like when someone laugh, smile or even move. And if we got caught we have to sit down and watch the rest of them who is still playing. This improve or stillness.

Copy Circle: Like a statues someone need to go outside and one person need to be the leader. We have to follow every movement of the leader and also teamwork, because we need to help the leader to not get caught by the person who is in. And to pay more intention.

I had fun playing and I hope next time we do it again!

Thursday 2 July 2020

New Zealand Disaster

Hi guys, today I will be sharing you guys what I have done for our Social Study Hurumanu. Well we have to research some disaster that happened in the past, then write some information about it. The topics can be about a famous singer, or some interesting that happened here in New Zealand and also we can search about New Zealand disaster. We need to pick at least 3 to 4 topics and read some article, then write it on our own words. If we want to be in a small group then we should put a lot of information, and quality work. But I prefer to do it alone because it will be more easier, and it was a good way for me to be a independent learner.

The topics that I have choose are about the disaster that happened on 1995, 1947, 1648, 1896, 1886. The first thing I have searched was about " Cave Creek ", it was about a group of student who died when they are having a tour. Then I searched about Ballantynes' Fire that happened on 1947, this was about an area that blown out because of something.Third thing I've searched was about Abel Tasman, it was all about the things about him like when he was the one who discovered the NZ etc. And Brunner Mine disaster in 1896, this was interesting because almost half of the workers died when this accident happened. I've also searched about Mt Tarawera like when this thing erupted, and how many people died.

The last thing was different because I've a about a famous singer who lived here in New Zealand, she was known as Lorde. Her first song was Royals, and she live in Takapuna with her family.

I enjoyed doing this because there's a lot of thing that I've learned and know. So here is the slide that I made: