
Wednesday 27 October 2021

Labour Weekend

 Kia Ora everyone, 

Today we are asked to create a blog about our labor weekend break. In this task we are asked to include a couple of pics after you're written, but if we don't have pics, we can just be copied and pasted to illustrate aspects of your my text. This labor day happened on the 25 of October. The only thing I liked about this holiday, is that I get to have 1 break from school which is a great thing because I can spend time with myself., or with my family... 

S P I L E S - mnemonic is also known as a pattern of letters, ideas and is a way of remembering something 

S - stands for social activity( friends and whanau )

P - stands for physical ( e.g bike riding, running, sport )

I - stands for Intellectual ( e.g something you did to extend your thinking & learning such as reading, watching a demo on youTube, etc. 

L - stands for Like ( things you enjoyed doing ) 

E - stands for emotional ( what sort of emotions during the break... happy, sad, frustrated? )

S - stands for success ( things I did that were successful e.g cooking, building something )

On Sunday the 24 of October, My family and I and my dad's family friend went to the beach. I actually forgot where it was, and what' the proper name of the location. Our main reason was, to pick up some clumps, but unfortunately, we didn't even find one so instead of finding some we just played with the water and enjoyed nature for 30 minutes straight. 

I was so happy, that I get to spend time with my family outside the household and be grateful for everything. Then after that, we went to another location to see if we can find some clumps but we still didn't. The worse thing about it is that we have to walk on mud and I was actually scared that I might slip and it hurt my feet since it was non-stop talking. Still, I enjoyed it because we laughed all the way, and make fun of each other. The physical thing I did was walk for 2 hours it was boring, but in the afternoon we went to go swimming and just relax our whole body since the parents need their body to rest and have some time to themselves. 

The intellectual thing, I did was finish up my essay. Well since I did nothing on a Saturday night, I planned on writing an essay so that I don't have to worry about writing them the next day. Since I wanted to have a lot of time hanging out, not worrying about any work. I don't want to keep on procrastinating, so I tried being productive and sitting on the chair not getting distracted. Then afterward, I just read my bible and went to sleep. Likes, I really enjoyed running around the sand with my sister and the kids, also running from the waves is the most fun part and the highlight of my day. I liked it because I get to experience being a kid for some time. The second thing is that I really was overjoyed when we went swimming since it's been a long time so I give you all I've got and have a favorable day. 

Emotionally that day the first night which is on Sat I was really frustrated and forced myself to finish up every homework. I was tired the whole night, but luckily on the next day, I actually have time to go out and take a deep breath and enjoyed the waves and the calm breeze air. Success, the only thing that I succeeded in was finishing up every homework and being grateful for what I have in my life. 

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To support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say
3. Something helpful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.