
Tuesday 25 February 2020

Mindfulness Well being Term 1

Hi guys, for today blog is quite different it's because I will be sharing some stuff about what we're doing every day. Me and the whole class we always do "Mindfulness" we do this to start our day, and to also see if our brain is ready for learning well if our brain not ready for learning you can't focus on what you are doing at school and also try to finish some stuff.

Mrs Allan talk about being in Red Brain similar to angry emotions like it makes it more difficult for you to concentrate because that refers to an anxious brain. The green brain means that your calm and always ready for learning.

I think doing this everyday really help me to be ready for my learning, and also when I'm listening to my favourite songs or drawing some stuff it really help me to be calm, happy, relaxed but sometime I feel tired or dreamy.

My thoughts?
For me I think doing Mindfulness every morning is really a great idea because it help a lot of us to be calm and happy everyday, and also get rid some stuff that was stuck in my brain like being stress, sad like source of those stuff. Doing this make me feel like I'm in bed like lying in my bed and just bring me to my own world. I was really happy that we do this everyday because if we don't I will always feel very stress and not ready for my learning which really don't help me a lot to focus on some stuff.

Thursday 20 February 2020

The Invisible Girl

Hi everyone, today I'm going to share some things we did today in our class called "Speaking My Truth" well we talk about what is Inferences and do some activities that need to base on Inferences. I had a lot fun and today I'm going to share to you what we did in this hour and it was called "Prediction Collection".

Well if you don't know what is Inferences means well it means a conclusion reached on the basis of the evidence and your reason.

So here is the first activity and also my second activity.Well it was called "The Invisible Girl" also "Inferences Worksheets" I hope you guys like and understand my reasons.

Credit: Pascal Campion
  • Is the girl really invisible?
Answer: Maybe yes or maybe no for me it’s 50/50 because in my opinion I think that the people don't really care and I can see that the background is really dark maybe there’s no life. And the only thing that has colour is the girl maybe she is an angel that will give a life to those people.

  • Why isn’t anyone looking at her or speaking to her?
Answer: Well I have seen a lot of videos like kinda similar to this picture so in my opinion they are busy looking at their phones and scrolling to their social media, maybe they are just taking a video at her but if she is really invisible they will just see a bright light in that wall and like take pictures then go.

  • What is she doing?
Answer: For me I saw that she is holding two bright beautiful  flowers in her hand, maybe she is giving it to them to make their day but I feel like no one is receiving them.

  • What might she be saying?
Answer: For me she might be saying this words with a smile or maybe begging them to take one flower ,” Everyone have one of this just to make your day”

  • Where do you think this is?
Answer: I think it might be in a dark city because in the very back of the picture there are black,gray cars and also some tall no life buildings. So that’s why I thought that this one might be in a dark city.

  • Why is she alone?
Answer: For me in my thoughts I think that the people around her thought that she is from the other world or something like that because she is the only one who has a life or a bright colour.Because I can see that there’s a lot of space between the girl and those peoples.

  • Where does she live? Draw what you think her house/bedroom looks like. Explain your choices.
Answer: I think she lives in a bright small beautiful house that has a garden that is filled with some red flowers.

  • How long do you think she’ll stay there?
Answer: Until someone takes her precious beautiful flowers, but if she can’t take it anymore she will go home with her head down.

  • What will she do when it starts to get dark?
Answer: Maybe she will just go home or maybe she will stay there and wait until someone speaks to her.

Second Activity:
Directions: Read each passage and then respond to the questions. Each question will ask you to make a logical inference based on textual details. Explain your answer by referencing the text.

 Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch. Alice would have a fit if the boots made it so far as the welcome mat. He then took off his dusty overalls and threw them into a plastic garbage bag; Alice left a new garbage bag tied to the porch railing for him every morning. On his way in the house, he dropped the garbage bag off at the washing machine and went straight up the stairs to the shower as he was instructed. He would eat dinner with her after he was “presentable,” as Alice had often said. 

1. What type of job does Paul do?  
For me I feel like she is a garbage man.

How do you know this? 
Because I know that it doesn’t say it here in the text but there are a lot of words that say garbage and it also gives me ideas when I was reading and it says “ Alice left a new garbage bag tied to the porch railing for him every morning”. Well I know that every morning in real life the garbage man always took the rubbish bin and put it back in the porch railing. That’s why I thought his job is being a garbage man.

Maybe he can also be a farmer because it also says that Paul took his muddy boot and also it also says that he took off his dusty overalls. I know that overalls is like a jumper for a farmer that’s why I just thought that he might also be a farmer.

2. Describe Alice:
For me she is kind and also helpful.
 What in the text supports your description? 
Why I said that is because she always puts their rubbish on the porch railing every morning,and also helps Paul to get ready for his work.

3. What relationship do Paul and Alice have? For me I think they have a good relationship with each other.

Why do you feel this way? 
Because when I read the text they always help each other. Like when Paul needed to go to work Alice would help him to get ready, and also they would eat together for dinner. Also I think when Alice needs help Paul would be there for her to help her out.

Crack! Thunder struck and rain poured. Max stared blankly out the window, trying to contain his emotions that raged like the weather. He was beginning to lose it. Dropping the kite from his hand, Max broke out into full sobs. His mother comforted him, “There, there, Max. We’ll just find something else to do.” She began to unpack the picnic basket that was on the counter and offered him a sandwich. Max snapped, “I don’t wanna sand-mich!” A flash from the sky lit up the living room. Boom! Mom sighed.

 4. Why is Max upset? 
I think I kinda know why Max is upset because of the bad weather and also he wouldn’t be able to play outside with his kite.
How do you know this? 
Because it says that Max stared outside at their window because of the bad weather that made him cry and begin to lose control. That's why he dropped his kite and broke into full sobs.
5. What was Mom planning on doing today? 
I think  mom is planning to go for a picnic but it didn’t happen because of the rainy stormy day.
What in the text supports your description? 
Well it says that she began to unpack the picnic basket ( that’s why I thought that she was planning to go on a picnic). 

“Tommy!” Mom called out as she walked in the front door. “Tommy,” she continued shouting, “I sure could use some help with these groceries. There was still no reply. Mom walked into the kitchen to put the grocery bags down on the counter when she noticed shattered glass from the picture window all over the living room floor and a baseball not far from there. “I’m going to kill you, Tommy!” Mom yelled to herself as she realized that Tommy’s shoes were gone. 

6. What happened to the window? 
It fell apart that caused the glass to spread all over the living room floor, and it was caused by a baseball.
How do you know this? 
I said that it’s because when mom walked into the kitchen just to put the grocery bags. But when she noticed something weird in the living room and that is the time she saw a shattered glass from the picture window that is all over the living room floor. It also says that it was because of baseball.

7. Why did Tommy leave? 
Because I heard that she was scolding Tommy because of what happened.
What in the text supports your description? 
Well when mom was screaming, yelling and scolding that say “I’m going to kill you, Tommy!” That's why Tommy ran and left because he was scared of his mom.

Today was a special day in Ms. Smith’s class. Some of the children were walking around the room, some of them were standing in small groups, and some of them were at their desks, putting finishing touches on cardboard mailboxes. After coloring a cool flame on the side of his race car mailbox, Johnny hopped off his chair, strutted over to Veronica’s desk, and dropped a small white envelope into her princess castle mailbox. Veronica blushed and played with her hair. While this was happening, Bartleby was frantically trying to put a small white envelope into everyone’s mailbox. After giving one to Ms. Smith, Bartleby pulled out a medium-sized red envelope from his pocket. He blushed and tried to put it in Veronica’s mailbox, but it wouldn’t quite fit. Bartleby struggled with it for a few seconds and then ran off with the envelope. Veronica rolled her eyes and popped her gum. 

8. Why is today a special day? 
Maybe it’s Valentine's day.
What in the text supports your idea? 
Because of Veronica blush and played with her hair because someone gave her an envelope. Well I know that happens a lot when it’s valentine’s day in real life.

9. Which boy does Veronica like? 
What in the text supports your idea? 
Because it says that Johnny hopped off his chair and strutted over Veronica’s desk and dropped a small white envelope into her princess castle mailbox. Also because it says that Veronica blush after reading the envelope from Johnny.

10. Why did Bartleby run? 
Because he got upset because his medium sized red envelope didn’t fit in Veronica’s mailbox.
           What in the text supports your idea?
           Why I said upset it’s because when he tried and tried all over again but it didn’t fit in the mailbox, and also it said that Veronica rolled her eyes and popped her gum.That’s why he run away getting upset.

Monday 17 February 2020

Maths Bar Graph - Discus

Hi everyone, I'm here again to share some things that we did in our class and it was called Fastest and Furtherest it's basically P.E and Maths. I'm here share a bar graph that I make,we have been doing this kind of stuff like a week and I'm having a lot of fun doing this. It's just because I can cooperate with other people cause we always need to be in a group of 4 or 5.

The first that we did is to rule up some box and it to include our name, discus on knees and discus standing. And also our topic that time is discus because we have done shot put, and in my time we have 5 people and they are Jhrnylle, Jaren,Rheanne and Cate. We all take turns and when the person is doing it the next person in our group will record her score or her numbers.

After that we all have to make a graph and it need to include a lot of thing like the title, names of the throwers,meters throwing, X and Y.Also we need to put some design to make it more fancy. When we're done making the two graphs we have to compare it.

Here is the graph that I make:
As you can see there's a lot of difference between Discus on knees or the standing one. So for the first one I throw higher than the others and Rheanne is the lowest because her record is 2 meters only while my one is 9.6. I think I kinda know why she is the lowest it's because she didn't do the position properly and also she didn't lean back a lot. And for the other one Rheanne is the higher while Cate is the lowest, there's a lot of difference about Rheanne record I was really shock is it maybe because she is more use doing it while standing not on her knees.

Ratings of 5 - I think I give myself a 4/5 for presentation because I use ruler to make it more straight, and for effort I think I gyve myself 5/5 because I use some different colours to make my graph more fancy.

And for the rest of us there's just a lot of difference about our records, which I'm kinda happy.

Math Graph- Shot Put

Hi everyone, I'm here again to share a graph about Shot put and the other one was Discus but I have already done it. First thing we did in the period was to watch how to throw a shot put so the first step was to put the shot put in your palm, the second step is to put it in your neck and push it hard, and the last step was to lean back and throw it.

There are three level for this one and the first is distance thrown in knees, the second one was distance thrown with knee up and the last one was to distance thrown standing. We haven't done the very last one because we doesn't have a lot of time left until the bell goes. Also in my group I have Lucy Jhrnylle,Rheanne and Jaren.

If we are going to make a graph we have to include our name, the title, and coruscate the X and Y. For the first level Jhrnylle score the highest or throw the highest and the last one is Rheanne,I think I know why Rheanne is the lowest among is it's because she didn't lean back and also didn't push the shot put hard in her neck. About Jhrnylle score she has the same score as the second level or let's say Distance thrown with knee up maybe she is to do it both and use her strengths to throw hard, and the second highest here is Rheanne maybe because she is use to do it with her knee up because it's kinda easy because you can lean back more.

So here is the graph that I make, It's like same as the first one like there's a lot of difference about our score.

About the rating I think for the presentation i give myself 4/5 because I didn't have enough time to colour it, and for the presentation I think I give myself 5/5 because I use the ruler to make it perfect.

Thank you guys again and hope you have a great day. Bye

Saturday 15 February 2020

Haiku Poem

Kia Ora everyone, I'm here to share what I have learnt or what we have been doing on our class called Visual Art. We have two teacher teaching us, and we have a task/assignment to do because we didn't have enough time to do it. So we have to do it in our own time, I'm really excited to share a poem that we did while ago. First we discuss what is Haiku like it has 3 lines and in the first line it need to have 5 syllable and the second one need to have 7 syllable and the last one also need to have 5 syllable. I think everyone know about that, I our teacher pick this because it was easy to do.

Second thing we did is we look up some example about nature after looking up some of the cool example, we did our own thing and try it, also our topic that we will be doing is about summer and in the bottom of the paper there's a word bank that include some words like summer,beach,water,wind,breeze,swim and etc. We don't have to use them but if we want we can it's our choice.

It take me a lot of time to think about it and I have an idea like what if I started "Summer is leaving" because I know half of my class will say "Summer is coming" so I just did the opposite of "coming".
So here is the first poem that I did:

Summer Haiku Poem 
Summer is leaving-  5 syllables 
No more sunshine and warm breeze-  7 syllables 
That will hit your skin- 5 syllables 

So that was the poem that I'm going to share to you guys, thank you for reading this blog hope you have a great time. Bye

Haiku Poem

Hi everyone, I'm here again to share a poem that we did while ago in Visual Art. Well if you have read the first blog that I did about Haiku poem this will be the same but the difference is that this one is our own haiku poem. At first I got kinda nervous because I'm not good at writing poem like this but I just ignore it and listen to the teacher and some ideas. So just like the last one our teacher gave us another paper but you can only get that when you finish your first one, so I was lucky because I have already finish one and ready to start a new one.

The paper that we had on our hand has four boxes and the three boxes has the same topic like "List some adjectives that describe your topic or object" I think I kinda know why they are all the same it's because the Haiku poem has 3 lines maybe we're going to put some adjectives that we can use on our lines. Well I put a different word at each box like for the first box I put Colourful sky, Warmth/Cold breeze, and etc. Oh I forgot that we have to pick our own topic like anything we want, at first I really don't have any idea so I just put Spring day but my friend was also doing it so think of different one, so I just look around maybe it will give me ideas but when I look at the TV something caught my eyes and that was when I saw a beautiful Aurora so I thought why not do that as my topic.Also the forth box it just ask you to list some verbs to do with my topic or object, and I just write "Watching them with my sister/family" or taking picture.

It was really challenging for me to write a haiku poem about Aurora, sometimes I will agree to myself then I will change it. I was really panicking because we only have 5 minutes left until the 4th period start but then when Mrs Allan said that we have to do this as assignment I was kinda happy but disappointed at the same time because I didn't finish it at the right time.

So when I got home I research Aurora so I get some ideas and I learn something that Aurora refereed to as polar lights, northern light, southern lights.So I thought why not use the word Northern light for my first line and just add some word so that I can have 5 syllable. Then the second one I use the word colours and sky and for the last one use the word cold breeze and night.

I had fun doing this kind of stuff even though I'm not that good at it, and also here is the one poem that I make while ago.

 Northern light bright sight
Colour dancing in the sky
At the cold breeze night

I hope you guys like and have a great day. Bye