
Friday 25 September 2020

Daylight Saving NZ

 Hello readers, today in our HR ( Home Room ) our teacher want us to search about Daylight Saving in NZ. She want us to search some facts about it, and then we have to answer all of them. We did this for fun, and I was happy because I get to learn more about it. The whole class have to share this to our blog and do the researching individually. 

When does Daylight Saving happen each year in New Zealand?

This happened last Sunday of 27 September, this start each year at 2 am on the last Sunday in September, and ends at 3 am on the first Sunday of 4 April 2021. During this time New Zealand daylight time which is 1 hour ahead of New Zealand real time.

What year did it start in NZ?

In the history of New Zealand, Daylight Saving started in 1927, but the original date was March 31, 1918 on different country. This daylight saving happened in summer time, and it was extended to cover the whole year.

Why was Daylight Saving started?

History of DST in New Zealand started in 20 years earlier, but however in 1909 Thomas Sidey proposed to move the clock 1 hour forward here in our country in the summer period. It was because they want to allow extra hour for daylight in every evenings also for the farmers to have more time working at night.That will saved their power. We all have to thank New Zealand scientist George Vernon Hudson and British builder William Willett.

In my opinion I would love to continue this Daylight Saving in New Zealand, because after hearing that this will help the farmer and will save more of our power. Now I will agree to it,but daylight hasn't always been such a happy time because sometimes it confused me when I look a the time when I'm used to the real time. At the same time I love daylight time because I get to have a peaceful night. I agree for this for the parents and farmers.

Do all the states in Australia have Daylight Saving? Who does and who doesn’t?

In AustraliaDaylight saving is observed in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory and Norfolk Island. The one who doesn't have this were the country of Queensland, the Northern Territory, Western Australia, Christmas Island or the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

Write 3 tips to help others adjust to Daylight Saving

1. Just stick to your real schedules, and be consistent with eating, social, bed, and exercise.

2. Avoid coffee and alcohol, and remember to not take a long naps.

3. Maybe start preparing a few days early. So my tip is to start going to bed 15 to 30 minutes earlier than your usual bedtime because your body need some extra time to make up for last hour.

Thursday 24 September 2020

Marketing Day

Kia Ora everybody, yesterday it was our market day. Yesterday was really fun however the main issue is that the climate was excessively hot, I meet different people and I figured out how to communicate with them . Before that we need to follow a few stages, as be in a gathering of 4 and plan what item are we going to sell. I was with Jhrnylle as the Marketing Manager , Jaren as the Sales/account Manager and Cate as the Production Manager, we intend to sell 6 scrunchies, 6 slime, and 8 bracelet. We sell it for just $ 2.00, in light of the fact that we felt that nobody will purchase our item in the event that it was excessively costly. Before we make them we need to email Mr Scott, and as the CEO of the gathering it was my duty to do it. I have to ensure that my letter will influential him, and disclose to him the thing we need. Our financial plan was only$20 and were not permitted to go higher than that, however on the off chance that we need it we need to reveal to Mr Scott and give him a valid justification why. We likewise need to make a banner, and make a D.L.O to show the other school who was visiting . Our gathering name was called " EUDAIMONIA" which implies happiness and blessed  in Greek word. 

Employment of every individual: 

Jaren as the Sales/money Manager - Her activity was to include the entirety of the expense and benefit, and posting the entirety of the stuff we need. 

Jhrnylle as the Marketing Manager - She advance the stuff and publicise everybody why they should purchase our item, and her activity was to assist me with making the banner. 

Cate as the Production Manager - She check everything in the event that it was all arrange, and she likewise check the things we required. 

As the CEO my job was to keep an eye on everybody, and to consistently incorporate and urge my group to carry out their responsibilities. 

Subsequent to making the stuff that we required, we began to make the wristband first with a three shades of yarn. My gathering and I, initially observe a few recordings of how to make an example and the main issue with this is the point at which we accomplished something the arm band will be come up short. We are simply going to squander the yarn, that is the reason we must be cautious with it. At the point when we have to make 3 more, I began thinking hwy not make my own example, and I was glad that it came out impeccably. Presently we should proceed onward, Jaren and Jhrnylle began making the 6 scrunchies it was in reality hard for them on the grounds that the texture were bad, so every time they close the scrunchies it will come out as a fall flat. At that point when we completed the scrunchies, we began making the 6 sludge and it was the most simplest thing among the rest. 


At the point when the B&E began we, I was really anxious and having this negative considerations that nobody wouldn't accepting our item. Exactly when this individual visited out business and asked what amount was the ooze, we advised her and she get one of them. Selling one stuff makes me happy,but I was not that stunned when sludge was the first that was sold out, at that point second is the scrunchies and wristband. I was glad and appreciative that everybody adores our item, I truly like how they praises us. So right off the bat before we sold out there's huge amounts of insane things that happened to my gathering and one of them is the point at which nobody was keeping an eye on our item since they felt that we are finished selling. Additionally we need to remain on the sun for 2 hours I think, so my gathering and I plan who planned to go around and look at on others' business. I was upbeat that I get the opportunity to get some foods,and other stuff. I delighted in this a lot,even however I endure being the CEO. 

What might I change for next time? 

Well I will really change some cost, since we just sell the slime for $2 yet in a major compartment. I thought we were not going to make so much profit, and I was right. The second thing I have to change is to control my anger issue, on the grounds that occasionally I judge my group and state a few words that hurt their sentiments, however I state sorry after it. So the key is to consistently quiet, and simply acknowledge what they made. To consistently uphold them and support them more, since that is the activity of being the pioneer of the gathering. 

What amount did it cost to make your items/administrations? What amount did you get? 

The cost that we obtain, and the expense to make our item was $18 dollars, since we have a ton of thing we need in our home. That made our activity more simpler, and we don't have such a great amount of issue of going higher than $20. 

What amount of cash did you make on Market Day? What was our benefit? 

We made the money of $37.50 and our benefit $ 22. I was glad about the result despite the fact that we just have the benefit of 22, I was as yet cheerful and thankful, and I'm truly pleased with my group. 

What was this you expected?Why/why not? What could have impacted this? 

I expected that the cash we will make was more than that like $40, however I wasn't right since we believed that nobody would purchase the sludge on the off chance that it was excessively costly. Additionally the other item so we sell them for $2, so next time I should ponder the costs and think on the off chance that they would purchase every last bit of it. After all I appreciated B&E, simply need to ponder everything. I'm glad for every one of them, since they all made an honest effort and we they put an excess of exertion on it which makes me truly happy.



Tuesday 22 September 2020

Healthy lifestyle

 Kia Ora everyone, today in our health class we talked about the four foods group. Like meat, milk, grains and the most usual one fruit and vegetables. Our task was to create a meat plan for 1 day that include all of the necessary amounts for each food group. So in fruits and vegetables we need at least 3 servings of veges and 2 servings of fruits. Then in grain foods we need 6 servings each day, dairy products we need at least 2 servings of them. Lastly for protein we need 2 servings of them. So here my healthy plan for a day. 


Communication Challenge

Kia Ora everybody, today in our science class we did some pleasant things such us how to speak with one another without talking however sending a few messages. First we have to pick which correspondence from we have to do like the banner sign, morse code, or double code and be in a little gathering like 4. At that point we as a whole need to separate in a couple one group is sending the message and one group is getting them, and think about what is the word. My group and I picked twofold code since we believe that it was anything but difficult to utilise and do, what is binary code? This code in each computerised PCs there are just two potential states, off and on, and that represented by 0 and 1. Decimals framework utilises 10 digits , every one of them speak to the intensity of 10, at that point in binary framework every digit position speak to the intensity of 2. So all together the paired code signal is a progression of electrical heartbeat that speak to numbers, characters,etc. 

Before we start doing it, we created a flag that has 1, and 0 on the other side. At the point when we did this we have to pick a word and attempt to utilise the twofold code, and fortunately this work and we had some good times doing this. At times when one gathering is sending the message we were experiencing some difficulty, since certain numbers were multiplying. Still I had some good times learning the paired code.

Becoming a Martian

Good day everyone, our mission today was different because I will be sharing you guys my work on science which is our Hurumanu 3. Out task was to read an article about becoming a Martian, then after reading them we have to answer the questions that was related to the article. Becoming a Martian is an article by Clare Knighton. 

The questions:

1. When can a mission to Mars ( or from Mars) happen? Why?
Ans: From the article any mission to Mars can only leave or return from the mars, every twenty -six months. Where the two planets ( Earth and Mars ) are at the closest point in their orbits, So this means the very first astronaut ill be gone for a very long time, sometimes some people think" boots on Mars" will happen as soon as 2024.

2. What are two geological features of Mars?
Ans: The geological features of Mars are mountains, valleys and volcanoes. Guess what one of the volcanoes here in mars were three times bigger than the Mt Everest.

3. What is one possible solution from the story about oxygen on Mars?
Ans: On Mars the atmosphere is about 95 percent carbon dioxide, and breathing that could kill you because carbon dioxide would replace the oxygen into your red blood cells. So the NASA has this machine called MOXIE which uses electricity to split up carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide and oxygen,but the NASA were planning on splitting water into hydrogen gas and oxygen. Both of this methods can provide oxygen but they also required tons of energy, there some ways to get this energy and that is when u sue a special kind of solar panel that Wanamaker electricity from the sun. Magma's steam can used by geothermal power station on Earth, so the easiest solution would be to rely on bacteria and plankton, because this living organism would eventually convert CO2 into oxygen. 

4. If it doesn't rain on Mars, where does the water come from?
Ans: If it doesn't rain on Mars then that means there were no lakes, and rivers. The Martian rovers already discovered more ice underground. They found water in the polar ice caps, and these ice caps are all covered in a thick layer of frozen carbon dioxide. Only a tiny amount of water flows on the planet's surface that is when the temperature is warm enough, and this is full of toxic salts. You could look for water if you drill deeper, but the other option is to dig up the underground ice, and they use the heat to turn it to vapour. That vapour could tun into condense back, into a drinking water to get this vapour you'll need to extract it straight from the air. 

5. How will people get food on Mars?What is a possible solution?
Ans: Well if an astronaut would bring their own food, that food need to stay at least 26 months and they need to wait until the next supply rocket arrives. It's obvious if you want to have enough food in mars, you will need to grow plants on your own but the only problem was Mars doesn't have soil and the temperature there are cold. Martian people could also be grown in special nutrients water, but if you really want to live there and your too serious. You need to make the climate warmer like earth, because a warmer mars would means better chance of more water. How? One main idea was to use a giant mirror because these could orbit Mars and will direct sunlight onto the polar ice caps, melting all of the carbon dioxide.. Why? Because carbon dioxide is a green house which traps all of the heat, that gas could act like a massive blanket. In the mean time the weather would be warm enough for the plants to grow. 

Thursday 17 September 2020


 Kia Ora readers, today's mission was to research about somethings that was related to our health, and what are the goods and bad things about it. For me I choose the topic of  " Bad effects of gadget overuse". This are actually the common things that every kids can relate to, so I thought why not have a little research about them.

Bad effects of gadget overuse:

Well, this include mobile phones, tablet, chrome book, and computer desktop. Those objects can cause physical and mental damage to us, if children's were more focus on gadgets they can mentally become overweight, also seizure and can affect their vision. Let's be honest, gadgets are somehow helpful because you can always be updated to what is happening to the world, it also help you to pay bills online, shop online. Kids this day are more focus on them, but not in learning so it becomes the responsibility to each adults to ensure that this things were not overuse by their kid. Smartphone addiction and also known as " nomophobia" is a problem among teenagers and young kids, children can feel anxiety, nervous breakdown, anger especially when one is unable to find it, because they can't live with it, also when their phones were low battery. Too much screen time can lead us to insomnia or sleep disturbance, if this don't stop then it will make this new world to loneliness ad boredom evaporate into the air but this is just only temporary.

Mobile gadgets can take you to virtual world, addiction to social networking, dating apps, games and messaging can lead everyone to the virtual world. Online friends were more important than a real-life relationship. This will also known to diminish concentration, like decision making- abilities, and problem-solving skills - to students. It can also bring down your imagination and creativity among young minds, because children's habit was to check their online friends the rest of the day this what mainly girls do, then boys were more focus playing than doing some exercise outside of there house. 

Things that might help you:

- Make your family follow a daily exercise routine like go out for a jog, play some games with them and just enjoy, don't think of gadgets at least for 3 hr.

-  Try to turn off your Wi-Fi routers and all of the unnecessary Bluetooth.

- Do the 20-20-20 rules, this means every 20 minutes, look at something that is 20 feet away for 20 seconds. That will just help your vision to not get blurry. 

Thursday 10 September 2020

Reading Activities

Kia Ora readers, today I will be sharing you my work and what we have been accomplishing for our reading time. So we have been reading our journal, and after ward when we complete the process of finishing them we need to do the exercises. I have been reading Rain Fall composed by Ella West ( FICTION ), this book was about a young lady who lived in West Coast and she play basketball, and her name is Annie. Her world began to shudder when her neighbour began accomplishing something, and that person is Pete. He explode his own home, and do some other stupid stuff. At that point when Annie met the new kid Jack, the two of them ride their ponies which is Blue and Tassie in the Deadmans ( name of the spot ). Two of them are drawing nearer and closer as they generally get together in there. A ton of fascinating thing occurred in this book, so I would probably recommended this to you.

So here is the two activities, that I have created:

Use your white hat and list information about the text.

  • Title: RAINFALL 

  • Author and Illustrator: ELLA WEST and Allen, Unwin 

  • Awards that the book might have won: I’m still not sure about the awards that this book received because it was her latest book published in January 2018 so I thought that this book received the award of “ Longlisted Ngaio Marsh Award 2019 NZ”. And  the rest of her book has received some awards, such as Children’s Book Awards, etc. 

  • Plot what happened: From what I have I read there’s a  lot of things happening because in chapter 1 to 10 Annie and her family were arguing if Pete a.k.a her childhood friends was the one who did some mysterious things. Also what kind of person is Annie, like she’s sporty and also a curious person. That’s also the time Pete's house was blown out, and the rest of the police and investigators are finding him because they want to know if he was ok or he was alive/ dead.And Annie is not able to get out of the house because of the incident, and that made her really grumpy also worried. Also when Jack the new boy in the town, and Annie meet on the beach they start hanging out and riding their horses. Jack is the kind of boy who was kind and also sporty ( racer of some horses ). They meet up even though the weather is really bad, they go to the place called “ Deadmans “and go around to find Pete or they just want to meet up. 

  • Characters: Annie  - tall, short hair, like to ride a horse, maybe blonde or black hair, sporty, she might be curly, and have brown eyes, like wearing jeans and a jacket. 

Jack- tall, black hair, brown eyes, also like to ride a horse, maybe has some unique hairstyle, like to wear some simple clothes. 

Annie’s mother - maybe tall, blonde hair, brown eyes maybe, likes to wear dresses, long hair, and she’s a multitasking person. She does a lot of stripping wallpaper, a casserole in the oven for tea and always does millionaire hot seats on tv.

Annie’s dad - Tall, maybe kinda fat, maybe he had a black hair, brown eyes, like to wear jeans and his working jacket, really simple guy.

Use Google Drawing to create a new cover for your novel. How would you design it?  Remember to include the title and author.