
Thursday 26 September 2019

Stomp Performance!!

Hi everyone, for our Music session we we're talking about stomp it was all about making beat but only using your feet, your hand or other objects. The first thing we did is we talk about what could we play in the classroom, after doing some brainstorming there's a lot of awesome ideas such as spoons, table,pens and other things. After that we watch some videos that show some people suing some object like bins, brooms and some sticks, we also watched a tutorial which helps us and gives us some ideas. When the videos was done our teacher tell us to be in a group of 4, so me and friends decided to work together. After that we talk about what are we going to use and what is our song, and we decided to pick "Roses" by Chainsmokers, we also decided to use pens and the tables. When we have done planning everything we practised it, it was quite hard for me because it hurt my hands and sometimes the pen slide of my hand. We also did it differently because one of my friends we're going  to sing while the 3 of us are still tapping the table or the ground using our feet..

This the plan that we make, it includes everything and who is going to start tapping the table and who is going to joins next.
 Our plan:

Pen Tapping - Rieya and Lhysette
Hit the table and Stomp - Shiela
Voice/Vocalist/Sing - Skyler

At 0:04 Lhysette’s starts tapping
Rieya and Shiela joins Lhysette at 0:11
Pen tapping, stomp and clap until the rap part - 0:48 seconds -  Shiela, Rieya, Lhysette
Pen tapping Stomping while doing the rap part, tap the table - Shiela, Rieya, Lhysette, Skyler
At 1:10 hitting the table - Lhysette Rieya Shiela

Pen tapping and stomping - Rieya joins Lhysette with pen tapping - Shiela is stomping

After we have done practising a lot of times we have to perform it in front of everyone.
We wait for our turn so we watch our classmates performance, I have fun watching them because they all did a awesome job because they use different things which i found out very creative.
After waiting our teacher call our group, when we stand up I feel very nervous and kinda excited at the same time.
When we're performing we kinda did a mistake,when we're tapping the table our hands our shaking but we didn't show so we just continue tapping the table.
After all we did a great job even thought we did some mistakes, but I was really proud of my group because we did a awesome job, we finished performing even taught we are all nervous.

Monday 23 September 2019

Visiting Music Suite

Hi everyone, in Week 7 on Thursday we visit the Music Suite for our music session.But first our teacher have to split us half in a groups, so me and my friends are going there in a second half of the period. When we're waiting we have to practise our stomp performance until the end of period 3. When it's time for us to have go and visit the music suite we have to bring a pencil or pen and nothing else. I had fun going in there because I saw a lot of different instrumental like Electric guitar, Acoustic guitar, drums, keyboard ( if you're using the keyboard you can have a chance and play the song Havana), piano, flute,ukulele and saxophone. If you're exploring the music suite you also have to answer the quiz with your partner  that Mrs. Beer gave, it's only all about which family instrumental those the instrument goes to and what can you see in the room that you're into because each room has different instrument in it. If you and your partner done every question you can give it to Mrs. Beer and she's going to check, and every correct answer you'll get 1 stamp so me and my friend got 8 stamp each. When you're done you can explore the music suite until the bell goes, I had a lot of fun exploring it even though I wasn't able to try some of the instrument but after all I learn a lot about the other instrument in the music suite.
 Here is some pictures:

25 Words Poetry Challenge!

Hi everyone,today we have done a challenge based on poetry. We talked about two different kinds of  poetry like slam poetry and 25 words. Slam poetry is when you create a poem that is based on yourself for example you made a poem to express yourself. 25 words is pretty simple because you get 25 words that are already given to you to make a poem.When making the poem you are not allowed to use any other word like Is or And you are only allowed to use the words that is given to you.I worked with a partner and her name is Rieya the words that were given to us we're Light, Ice Blue, Run, Fast, Past, Mountain and etc.

 Here is the work that we make:

Black Sky
White Snow Fall 
Feather Float Past Puddles 
Crusty Ice Mountain 
Light River Run
Bright Sunshine 
Blue Witch Water 
Stars Fly Fast 
Burn Beautiful 

Beautiful Blue Black Sky 
White Ice Mountain 
Bright Sunshine 
River Run 
Feathers Fly 
Fall Fast 
Star Float Past 
Light Crusty Snow Burn 
Witch Water Puddles 

Friday 20 September 2019

Story of the Trash!

Hi everyone, and today I'm going to share what we always did when it's Monday period 3, when we have done our morning tea we always come back to our form class and read this story that is called "Trash"and I think we start reading this last Term which is Term 2 , listening to the story was very fun but before we start reading this book we watch a video that is showing some people who is living in a dumpsite or they called "Smoky Mountain" that is full of rubbish and it also tell a story about a kid who is living in the dumpsite in his early age, and also show some country that is suffering because of their small places`1  and also suffering because of the bad smell of the dumpsite and more information. After we have done watching the video our teacher talk to us about what we think of the video how to feel about it, and how lucky we are to have a nice country and also lucky to have a house to lived in.

The Author of this book was Andy Mulligan which also known as the best writer of the young adult fiction. The story has 3 main characters and they are known as Rat or they called him Jun Jun (that only been for some of the chapters) is a smart, dirty,fast and very sneaky  but very friendly boy.Raphael is the boy who discover the money at the dumpsite, and the Gardo is like a big brother for Raphael because he was always there and help him when he have some problem. They lives in the dumpsite which they called the "Behala" they pick trash in there and always hoping that they can find something that they can sell.

 One day Raphael find a bag in the dumpsite and inside the bag there is a wallet and a uniform, etc. The wallet has 1,100 pesos in it. But in the morning the police visit the camp where Raphael and his aunt lived in, and the police went there because they're finding something really important that if people in the Behala find it they will receive a price, and the three kids found that they found something very mystery and important so they give it to Rat to hide it because Rat live in a hole that he always sneak into and they also know that the police man can't find it in there. But Rat recognise something inside the bag and he saw the key to locker at the train station, and he help the boys to go there and find the locker to open it and when they open it they saw a letter that is written by a man name "Jose Angelico", and I think some other things inside of it. They also meet Pia Dante the daughter of Jose Angelico that they taught was dead ( you can read this near to the last part of chapter).
 After they're long journey when they suffer and try to solve some problem together they all decided to buy a boat and they plan to spend the rest of their lives as a fisherman.

Ella West spending time with our School!

Hi everyone, yesterday was very exciting day for us because Ella West also known as the Austrilia author that visit our school to talk to all of the year 7/8 and also some year 9's student, and you know in her real life she was not known as Ella West because she her friend called her Karen Trebilcock. So yesterday she came to visit, so my friend Skyler had a go to go up to the stage to introduce Ella West.So at the assembly Ella West talk about her book which is called Night Vision and tell some interesting part of the text but she didn't tell what happen in the ending because she doesn't want to spoiled it and she want us to read it and understand it by our self,I also know that after the assembly we have a chance to hangout with Ella and asked her some question that we make on Friday afternoon, also the BH class decided to  make some question to ask Ella because their class also read the book Night Vision.

What she talk about:

In the Night Vision book she said that it was kinda based on a kid who has illness XP ( which also called Xeroderma Pigmentosum), she said that she get that idea when she watched the documentary about XP  disorder, well if you don't about this illness it's like you're not allowed to go outside and get hit by the sun or you'll get a malignant skin cancer which is very bad for you. So that's why the main character of the book was born with a condition that makes sunlight deadly for her. That's why the main character she only go outside at night and she would go out and walk through the pine trees, but she would take her Night Vision goggles and continue to walk and explore forest.

The Night Vision goggles she got that idea from the rescue helicopter drivers, she would use this to see at night, that's why using this night vision goggles is fun and easier to use because through the goggles it is seen as a very bright white light inside. Also why she had picked that illness for her character, it's because she want her character a bit isolated, and also XP means that you can't do some activities outside like what the other kids usually do also that's why they live in a farm cause there's no one and it's very peaceful.

The fun fact is that it was kinda based on her real life because her family lived in a farm and they also have some sheep, and also a dog named "Jim" and it was her first farm dog, she also said that her dog has two different colours eyes, one was blue and the other one was brown - I heard that if you have two different colours eyes you have Heterochromia.

Also her book "Night Vision" was translated to Italian word, and the book was called "L'arte Ingannevole gufo", the gufo means owl because she said that in the book there's a owl.

When she was writing a story she would try to write 1000 words each because her goal is to at least get 50,000 words in each book. Also I think one of her books has 50, 000 words and the other one only have 40,000 words.

She also talk about her first book called "Thieves", her book series and how bad the cover is. She also won some awards like "Louis Johnson New Writers'Bursary in 2006" and others. She also share the fact that she couldn't get to New Zealand top bookseller because her books was published in Australia even thought her book was set in New Zealand.

One of the student in our class ask her "If being an Author is her dream?", she said yes because she love reading books and writing. A student ask her if she had a backup career, and her answer was "Journalist", because she works at South land Times forming magazines.

She also tell that she was currently writing a book called "Sound of My Hearts", it was about a girl running and she can hear her heart beat beating fast. She didn't tell a lot  about her book, but she said that it will take 2 years to published.

Music - Create your own song

Hi everyone, for our music lesson we have to make our own song, and we started doing this stuff last Tuesday.The first thing that we did is we discuss how to make our song successful, so the first we did is we watch a video that show how to make a song and in that video it include how to write a chorus, verses and other stuff. After watching the video we look at some example of verses and chorus also the bridge of the song. So in our son we have to include at east have 2 verses and a chorus but there's a quiz if you are going to write the verse and the chorus it should at least have 4 lines long.Also our song need to tell a story or has the beginning idea and of course an ending and a conclusion, this song need to have a metaphors in it. That's our goal to make our song successful.

  Here is the song that I make:

I hate to let you go 
Wish you could stay a while 
Cause every part of me is trynna fight these tears 
But they keep pouring down for miles. 
Across the dark hall, soon will be an empty room
I saw your shadow waving at me, I guess what I just a hug a air.

I always take your things, but you forgave me 
So I’m not ready to let go of you 
So visit every chance you got a break or write me back 
Cause those will be my favourite day’s
Know that I will be thinking of you 
“ Cause No One Will Love You The Way That I Do”

Thanks for supporting me of who I am, and who I wanna be 
Thank you for keeping your word, even if I broke mine.
A role model you were, some people say you were kind 
I’m really thankful, but I really meant is that 
You were the best sister in my eyes.

So visit me every chance you got a break or write me back
Cause those will be my favourite days 
Know that I will be thinking of you
“Cause No One Will Love You The Way That I Do”
Thanks for being my best friend
And the person I knew that I could depend On
 Your the best sister life-long.

So visit every chance you got a break or write me back
Cause those will be my favourite days 
Know that I will be thinking of you

“Cause No One Will Love You The Way That I Do”

When I make a song I have my inspiration on it, and I think everyone need a inspiration to make a song.My inspiration for this song is my friendship with my sister.The meaning of this song that I wrote it's all about my sister leaving because she have to go to collage and I'm not ready to let go of her, also in this song I include some things like what gonna happen when it's time for her to leave the house and have to leave me. I also include some things how I'm very thankful to have her as my best friend.

It was really hard for me to think and to write a song cause I don't know if the song that I planned will work.That's why I try a lot of times of planning my song, which it also take a lot of time to finish.While I'm writing my song I remember something which help me to finish it, and it was all about thinking of your inspiration and writing it with all your heart.It really work because I finish it on time. It was really fun but quite difficulty to do.

Thursday 5 September 2019

Music Through The Decades

In our Music lesson we have been looking at the music decades which it all start last week, and the activity that we need to do is to make a presentation that will include the famous musician. Their popular song and the most popular genre in that decade, and also we only need to do 6 slides but I did 7 just for extra. I started at 1950's and finished it off to 2010's. My favourite decade that I did is the 2010's because it was "Lady Gaga" and in my research Katy Perry, was also famous in that time and some of the musicians that I know that is famous till now.I had fun doing this because I learn a lot of things and some of the famous musician famous songs.

Here is the presentation that I did for this activity.


Wednesday 4 September 2019

Its Cool to Be Kind - Hornby Elderly Daycare Center

Every Wednesday of our C.I.P in our "Its Cool to be Kind" project the teacher always pick a portion amount of students to go and experience and have a chance to go to the Hornby Elderly Daycare Center. We also get to have a chance to talk to the old people in that center, Last week I got to have  chance to go there with my friends. But before we went there we had to get something that we would like to share with the elders so me and my friends tried to think of something that is very special to us.

My friends decided to bring their phones because they said that they have some picture of us, having fun together and I think they took that picture when we are going to watch a movie together at night.
 I think that's the most fun thing that we did together,  I brought a key chain that one of my closest friend gave to me. When we were just about to go I was surprised that we needed to walk because it was so close to our school,  the teacher that accompanied us had also gave us a talk.

She talked about how we needed to respect them since some of them don't have the best hearing and eye sight. Once we arrived their was already a senior there who arrived in a car and she was very kind to us, after that we went inside of the center and great the elders. After waiting it was time for us to go to the grandma's and talk to them and share what I brought with me and I was also with one of my friend because we have to sit with some elders to talk with, we play some games and get to know each other.

 It was really fun talking to them and sometimes I think about my grandma who passed away and also I was really close with elder people since when I was kid me and my grandma always play that's why I think that it was really easy to me to play along with them. I was really happy that I experience different things in this C.I.P and always having fun.