
Friday 26 February 2021

9/11 timeline - Chaos

 After doing some activity about Zombie apocalypse, I've proceed onward doing some research about the historical backdrop of 9/11. I watched a course of events video of what really occur in the mishap, what are the causes. At that point after that I went to this site called "History", you can explore anything you need and its gives you the entirety of the data you needed. 

Then after finding out about what occurred, I began making my timeline using "Visme".This is kind off difficult to use, because I have never use this site before. Fortunately I got its hang, and get to finish my task.

In my timeline I've just put the significant realities/occasions and its times, and other stuff.There's a great deal of thing that occurred throughout the entire existence of 9/11 which made me shock a little bit. I've taken a lot of info about 9/11, so here is my timeline.


Humanities - Chaos

 In this exercise, we were discussing how might we endure Zombie Apocalypse. We have two assignment, and we need to do one of them. The one I did was to make a CANVAS, or Google Drawing to share what I believe is my Top 10 from the 34 Rules. It's essentially a standards in the films called "Zombieland", and simply discloses to us how they endure when there's a zombie end of the world. So I utilised Canvas to introduce my banner, and my 10 guidelines are.... 


Cardio - Zombies aren't excessively quick. So to get away from it will actually want imperative to have the option to run longer than quicker. 

Double Tap - One clean shot to the head can ensure against zombies possum. 

Beware of Bathrooms - Zombies realise how to stay nearby them, so caution can help avoid an ambush.

Seatbelts - Wear one, for your safety and furthermore zombies seldom do. Slowing down can send them flying. 

Don't be a hero - Unnecessary dangers are chances that shouldn't be taken. 

Limber up - A muscle cramp during zombie pursue is one of the death punishment. 

When in doubt know your way out - Knowing where to go can help escape. 

Check the backseat - Zombies may hide there, so don't be zoned out. 

Enjoy the little things - Enjoy happiness where it very well may be found to remain rational. 

Travel light - Travelling light means travelling fast ,only pack basics/essentials.

My 10 Rules 

Tuesday 23 February 2021

Cheese Scones - HEC1

 In our Home Economics, we've prepared another simple recipe however  you need more materials. The thing we made is called " Cheese Scones", it was truly simple however kinda befuddling with regards to estimating and getting its perfect measure. 

Formula : 

- 3 cups self-raising flour ( or plain flour with heating powder ) 

- 3 cups of flour 

- 6 tsp heating powder ( possibly use if your utilizing a plain flour ) 

- 1/2 tsp table of salt 

- 60 g margarine scheduled, and cut it into shapes 

- 1/4 cups milk


Preheat the oven  to 180 degree Celsius

Sift the flour and salt into a mixing bowl. Rub in the butter until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.

Stir through the baking powder and then the cheese.

Make a well in the center and add milk, mixing quickly with a knife to form a soft dough 

Tip dough onto a lightly floured board and pat or roll into rectangle. Cut into shapes and brush with a little milk.

Place on a baking tray and cook for 12-15 minutes until a rich golden colour.  

When I tasted the scones, at first I kinda hated it because I thought it was not cooked enough since we were in rush. Because that time we were 10 mins late in our lunch time, that's why we have to take it out that quickly. The texture was very doughy and I'm not a fan of it, but I still like it because of the cheese and the softness. I'm really happy that me and my team really work together, we helped each other when someone is in panic and don't know what to do. I really hope that we always work like this, since it really help us to work more faster.

I wouldn't change any even though it was kind off doughy, because it still taste good and the taste of cheese scones. 


Monday 22 February 2021

Chicken Leg Dissection

In our Science class, we did some thing really different and that is dissecting a chicken leg. It was really fun and here are the aim, materials, and how we keep our self safe.

Aim: We will locate and describe the various tissues and structures of drumstick and thigh of a chicken.

Materials: Chicken drumstick, dissecting probe, scalpel, dissecting scissors, paper towels,forceps, dissecting tray, gloves,disinfection hand wash and spray.

1. You have to wear gloves.
2. Do not put anything in your mouth (fingers, pens, etc) during the dissection. Also be careful with the tools you're using, because their ends are very sharp and you might hurt yourself if you're are being silly. 
3. Wash your hands thoroughly at the end of the dissection with antibacterial soap and hot water. Also we need to ensure your hands are dried after washing.
4. After doing the dissection, spray surfaces with antibacterial soap. 


1. Place the chicken leg and on the dissecting tray, and examine the exterior features. The outer layer is called the epidermis also known as the skin, and the bumps covering the skin are where the feathers were attached.
2. We have to carefully pull the skin off by sliding it down and off the lower leg. The large muscle at the back of the leg is the same as your gastrocnemius . It also includes two bones -the tibia ( the larger one ) and fibula the thinner,smaller one. 
3. The muscle of the leg, like all muscles work in bundles. Separate a bundle of muscle by inserting your thumb into the muscle of the lower leg, you will notice that the muscle bundle is covered in a silvery lining called the fascia and this makes it hard to separate. But if you push hard enough you will tear it and find that separating muscle bundle is a lot easier. 
4. Using the dissection scissors, cut across the tendons that join the muscle to the bone. Be careful not cut any ligaments that attach bones to bone. You should end up with all the bones still attached to each other, but not muscle tissue present. 
5. Then break one bone in half and examine the marrow. This is where blood cells are made.

Bone: Our bones help us protect the important organs in your body such as the heart, brain, etc and provide a framework for our body.

Muscle - Muscle are the only tissue in the body that has the ability to contract and therefore move the other part of the body.  

Tendon - This attach muscles to bones, the Achilles tendon which is a strong fibrous that connects the muscle to muscle in the back of your calf to your heel bone. 

Ligament - This attach bones to bones. 

Friday 19 February 2021


This Tuesday, which we have our ESOL time we did some different activity. Our task today is to write something what we wanted to do over the weekend, there's a twist we have to write at least half of the page or even more.

Well over the course of the end of the week I need to attempt a great deal of things, since I'm that kind of person who consistently do a ton of insane things. Since I have two days to rest, at that point I'll get going with resting and have at any rate 10-11 hours of rest. Since when we have school, I need to get up at 5 am cause my folks will drop me off and their work start too soon. I really this is one of the thing I loathe doing each time we have school, however I need to inspire my self to awaken and pursue my fantasies as opposed to resting and dreaming about my fantasies/future. So in the end of the week I need to observe a portion of my #1 films, such mists ( it's base on a genuine story of a kid name Zach Sobiech (Fin Argus) he is a teen who was determined to have terminal disease, and who got known to numerous by means of hits melody ). Mists which was recorded in the last a long time of his life. Additionally I like watching k-dramatizations with my sister around evening time, and eat a few things we love ( pizza, coke,burger,etc). This coming end of the week I need to likewise go out with family, as go at park, go to the sea shore, or possibly have an outing with my folks dearest companions. 

I truly love going out particularly when I'm with my companions or family, since I will unwind and have a great time as opposed to worrying and gazing at my screen for a really long time. Likewise I need to attempt to get familiar with another recipe,since I love cooking and this is the way me and my mum bound in some cases with my sister. At that point on Sunday, there's very little enough things I needed to do since I have school on the following day. So I fundamentally utilize this chance to unwind and prepare to learn following day. 

This coming Sunday I needed to play a few games with sister, and this is one of the thing we generally do when we're truly exhausted.. I likewise need to locate another outside fascination that I haven't visited at this point, or wake up and treat myself. So the following day I'm prepared to meet my companions with a smiley face and an uplifting demeanor. I'm truly wanting to accomplish some of them, on the grounds that occasionally I'm truly languid to get things done since my body isn't helping out me.

Thursday 18 February 2021

Building Shapes

 In our lesson, which is maths we have to build a shape only using a 7-8 foot string ( loop  ). The very first thing we have to do is to be in a group , and learn of how do you solve a maths problem. I learnt that they use teamwork, sharing their ideas and opinions to each other, and drawing them out, of course don't give up. In my group I have Risha, myself, Shreya, and Evelyn. I was happy that they're in my group, because we we cooperate with each other a lot which made this thing more fun and easier. 

What shapes did you build?

We build four different shapes, a pyramid, a normal square, a cube, and a 2d star.

How did you make it?

Well at first we started of with a square since it was the easiest shape to do. Then second which is kind of hard because it took us 5 minutes to figure it out of how it should be placed and how the shape works, the one I'm talking about was the pyramid. It has three triangles, and one square. Luckily we did it, and the key of that is sharing ideas. The other one which took as more longer, because we were having trouble of how do we place our fingers and remembering what a cube looks like, but we did and I'm happy of how it turns out. Lastly we created a 2D star, it might looks like it was easy to do. It wasn't because we have to try it a lot of times ,but in the end we finally did it. I'm really proud and I think we really did well since the last one has a lot of side. 


Tuesday 16 February 2021

Yr 9- HEC1

 In our lesson which is Home Economics, we started of with an easy dish and it was called " Savoury Bread Case". It was really easy to make, and you can easily find the ingredients in your home. The ingredients include bread, and butter we all have that in our home. It only have 7 ingredients.


- 8 slices of bread ( any kind )

- Margarine 

- A bacon ( your choice ) 

- 1 cup shredded cheese 

- 1 watties spaghetti 

Method : 

Cut the crust from your bread, and also include the tips off the corners.

Spread with margarine, and do it very slightly

Press the bread, and the butter is side down. You need to use a hole muffin tin, or a tart pan.

Bake at 180 degree Celsius for about 5 minutes, until the bread cases are dry. 

While you're waiting, cut all of your ingredients and just make sure you are very careful with it.

After that take out the muffin tin,  and put all of your ingredients such as the bacon, the spaghetti, and the cheese. If you wanted to add more flavour you can. 

Bake it at 180 degree Celsius and this time leave it for 30 minutes, you will see the difference because the bread will turn into a golden brown. 

  • Before serving you have to wait for a minute, and after that you can enjoy it. 
  • Opinion:
  • I really love the taste because of the crunch, and the flavour has a good combination which made it more delicious. The thing I really love about this, is making it because it was really easy . I even try making one at home, and luckily it was a success. I'm happy that my team and I worked well together,and we help each other when we were stuck at something. Also I'm thankful that everyone had fun making them. 
  • I don't need to change something, because its already tasty.Furthermore,  I would love to recommend this to everyone especially the one who like baking. 

Friday 12 February 2021

Yr 9 - ESOL

In our ESOL class we have to write a blog explaining what is 321 RIQ stands for. Also we have to write something, that connect with the new strategy of reflection. 

321 RIQ is a strategy for us to use when we are writing our blog, and those three letters stands for something. One R stands for "Recalls" and what it means is that we have to write at least three new things we remember when we have this lesson. Like we can write something that reflect back to our mind, when we have ESOL lesson. Then secondly the I stands for "Insights" that means we have to write new things in this lesson. In example we can write about learning my classmates name, and the teachers name, etc. Last but no the least Q, it stands for " Question" and all we have to do is to write 1 question that we wanted to ask the teacher that we didn't understand wanted to learn more about that topic. Now our second task was to try using that method. 

3 Recalls - The fist day I remember we play this game where we have to say one adjective(describing words) that starts with our initial, and then we say our real name. is not just that because it has a twist, because you also have to say the adjective and their name those only who are before you. That's why we have to sit in  a circle, and listen to the one person who talking so we can remember what they say. It was a fun game to do in class.

- Secondly the other thing that I remember is writing a 200 words explaining what is the purpose of writing your blog, but we have to write 3 advantage of writing your blog, 2 things why we do blogging, and etc. You can write more, but you can't write less than 200..

-Thirdly the last thing I remember is doing this, writing stuff about the new strategy we just learn.

2 Insights - The first thing I just learn is y teacher's name, and also my new classmate that I have never seen in my other class, then I also learn new things about where my teacher usually lives in her past life. 

- The last thing I learnt is this, I have never heard of 321 RIQ. That's why I'm very happy because I know what are the orders when I'm writing a blog. It's not just sharing them what I just learnt, I also have to share and try to reflect on the other things. Because this help my blog to be more specific an understandable. 

1 Question - I don't really have a question to ask, because I remember everything I have learnt in this lesson.