
Friday 28 May 2021

Writing - ESOL

Tuesday, we started creating a piece of writing for our ESOL exercise. Our teacher has given us a document, were we have to fill out once a week. There's 12 topic we can chose from, and my second piece of writing is about Speaking in front of the class. Doing these exercise, will help our brain to be active since we have to think of deeper words. That will help make our piece of writing more interesting, and understandable. I find  this topic sorts of interesting , since I have a lot of things to say and it will help me to write more than just 100 words. Speaking in front of the class, is one of my most hated thing to do in school. I'm really proud since, I wrote more than 100 words.

My writing:

Speaking in front of the whole class is probably my least favourite part when I’m at school. The fact that I actually have speech anxiety, every time I was asked in front of a group and present . My whole body will struggle, my mind will be blank.In fact, public speaking is everyone’s biggest fear. Some of the most common symptoms of speech anxiety are: shaking, sweating, butterflies in the stomach, dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, and squeaky voice. Social anxiety is a very common type of anxiety disorder. Well a person with social anxiety feels fear in certain or all social situations. Such as meeting new people, answering a question in class, or having to talk to a cashier in a store.For me speaking in front of the class is not my thing, I’m not confident about myself, my voice, and everything. I always think of myself as a useless person, and when I’m in front I think of negative thoughts which make things harder for me to speak loudly. Every time people looked at me , and paid attention to my speech. Sometimes I actually feel appreciated, but I’m still insecure about everything even though everyone cheered for me, and supported me. The reason why I’m scared of talking and presenting things in front of others is because I'm scared of what they think of me. It was because sometimes they judge me by how I look, even though they don’t fully know me. They might talk about me, they might laugh at me for screwing up and that didn’t help me but instead it made me more nervous. So sometimes what I do is practise and calm myself up, and I know someday I will overcome this kind of thing, all I need is to be more confident,and think of the positive things. Doing them will help me get through the presenting side easily, without any hesitation and without any shaky body. I just need to be proud of myself and just do what is right, because everyone’s voice needs to be heard. Every voice matters. 

Nelson Mandela

Bonjour, our second and last task for our " Power to the People" was to create a timeline of our chosen leader, and also to create a political poster. I have learnt a lot of things about Nelson Mandela, and fun facts is that he was sent to prison and spend the next 18 years that is seven miles off the coast of Cape Town. I really enjoyed reading his story, the fact that he dedicated his life fighting for equality.  Mandela was the first black head of state and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election. 


Political Poster -

Thursday 27 May 2021

Hero and Villain

 In our Hururmanu 1/2, we started a new topic about politics. This term we are focusing on leaders, who changed the world because of its act towards others. This is also part of chaos, but this time it was called " Power to the people" that's our new topic that we will be focusing on this term. Our first activity, was to create a biography of our hero and villain which is the leader we have chosen. That time I can't really choose, because there's a lot of amazing leaders that changed the world. Nelson Mandela is the leader, I wanted to learn about. I find his story interesting since, he also can be a villain. The fact that he stayed at the jail for 27 years and was released in 1990. He was the South-Africa apartheid revolutionary, political leader and he also served as the President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999.

The more important is that he uses his word really wisely..

 “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

So here is my biography I have created. 

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Crystals - Science

 In Science, we did another experiment and it's basically called crystallization. First, we have to be in a group and get the equipment but we also have to discuss some safety facts first before we try making the experiment on our own.

Equipment- Beaker, Heat mat, Tripod, Spatula, Gauze mat, Bunsen Burner, Borax, Pipe Cleaner. 

Method- Boil water in a beaker on a Gauze mat and Tripod over a Bunsen Burner. When boiled turn the gas off. Add spatula heaps of Borax, waiting for it to dissolve until adding more. When the solution is saturated, leave to cool with a pipe cleaner suspended in the beaker. 

Cleaning up - Make sure all the heating equipment goes in the bottom tray and the glassware and spatula are in the top tray. Wait for the equipment to cool before touching it.

Aim: What was the purpose of crystallization? The impure solid is dissolved in the solvent, then the solution is heated to evaporate most of the solvent. The hot solution is allowed to cool, then the solid appears as a pure crystal. The crystals may be dried by pressing them, between sheets of filter paper.

Results: Pictures and observations of what happened. 

Conclusion: Explain what is going on in the crystallization process. Use the following keywords: Dissolving, solute, solvent, soluble, diluted, concentrated, crystallization, separation.

Choose a suitable solvent. Common considerations included how much solute can be dissolved (solubility) and how convenient it is to handle the solvent (safety ). Dissolve the product in the solvent by increasing the temperature until all of the solids in the product are dissolved. Insoluble impurities can be filtered off from the hot solution. Reduce solubility by cooling, evaporation or reaction. The solution becomes over-saturated. The product crystallizes. As the solubility is decreased, a point is reached where the crystals nucleate and then grow. Highly pure product of crystals must form.

Discussion: Where is crystallization useful in the real world? Why do crystals make interesting shapes? The most practical crystallization is to crystallize borax/salt, and it is still the most economical method of salt production today. Other uses of this technology included compound purification and crystal manufacturing. A crystal is a solid material in which atoms are arranged in a regular geometric pattern. The crystal form is the external expression of the internal atomic structure of the mineral rules. Temperature, pressure, chemical conditions, and available space are some of the factors that affect growth.  

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Interpersonal Skills

 In health, we did something a bit different since we have a new teacher. So at first sh introduce herself to the class, she shared some facts about her life, what is she teaching at school, and how long, etc. She was really kind, and after introducing herself, it was out turn we filled out a form that ask about what we like, and what we don't like. After that we did some activities that is also about interpersonal skills, we have to be in a pair. So each pair will be given 2 different images, we are not allowed to show each other. She also give us a piece of paper, in this activity, we both need to sit back to back and person 1 will describe her image the paper, for the person 2 to draw.

The main thing is to draw the picture as close as we can to how our partner describes it.     

- The IP skill that me and my partner use was, Verbal communication, Non-verbal communication, and Active listening. For verbal communication we both use the tone of our voice, the fact that we need to speak clearly for the person to understand the image we both have. Then for the non- verbal, we used our hand gestures, and body language to give them a hint of the object looks like, etc. Active listening, we both listen to each other, we pay attention, and showing interest on my partner. I did use warm fuzzies for today's lesson, I gave her positive reaction and positive thoughts.

- Using this IP skill helped to make things more easier for us, without the active listening we will get distracted by others, and we won't even understand each other. This helped with the activity because in this type of thing, the key IP skills we needed is that first three, verbal,non-verbal, active listening. When it comes to describing or understanding.

- Yesterday I worked well with Evelyn,an example of when we worked well together is she understand what I'm saying and describing. Also the fact that she was really focus and used active listening really well, both both has a lots of laugh since we both had a hard time drawing things. She described it step by step, she didn't rush but she explained it with detailed. That made things more easier for me to imagine the scenario she have. 

- If I got to do the activity again, I would dry used a proper voice since I was laughing. I also need to be louder, and probably explained the image more detail. I would want a different image, like about the IP skills but people were acting it, I feel like it will be more easier to do that because describing a person is not that hard, rather than drawing a piece of art that is all based on nature.

-  I probably worked at Level Three which is about self responsibility. Because I learn and practice more skills without any hesitation , and work really hard towards achieving one of my goals. I'm also prepared for any activities, and make my own decision about my learning. More importantly work cooperatively in a group situation. One example, is when I really tried used the best word that will possibly describe the object in the picture, and like being more confident in class. 

Monday 24 May 2021


 Home Economics, our second session of cooking different things. Last week we made crepes, it's like a pancake but it's not. They are thin, unlike pancake or pikelets they both have the same height but not the sizes because one is small, then the other other one is big so basically they are all different. They are again really easy to cook, and it only takes probably 40 minutes if you work fast.


- 1/2 cup flour

- 1 large egg

- 1/2 tbsp sugar

- 1/4 tsp slat 

- 1 cup whole milk 

- 1/2 tbsp butter 

- Fresh fruit, for serving 

- Icing sugar, for serving 


1. In a mixing bowl whisk the flour, sugar, and salt until combined. Then create a well with flour and add the egg.

2. Gradually pour in milk, whisking to combine after each addition. Let batter stand at room temperature until slightly bubbly on top, 10 to 15 minutes. 

3. In a small frying pan over medium heat, melt butter. About 1/8 cup at a time, drop batter evenly onto pan, swirling it to evenly coat.

4. Cook for 2 minutes, then flip and cook 1 minute more. Repeat with remaining batter.

5. Serve crepes warm with fresh fruit and Icing sugar.

When we did this, we encountered some problems because everyone had a different opinions. Fortunately, we discovered that if some of use want to do the same job, etc, then everyone has to take turns to do it so that others can do something. When we prepared it, we also decided who would eat the first crepe. My first impression is that it is i very thin, but at the same time it was cute. The taste is great. It is crunchy on the side and very soft in the middle. I like the combination of chocolate and banana. I try to fold up the crepe to make them look more elegant and appetising. When we finished our meal, I was disappointed that we wouldn't be able to finish it on time, buy unexpectedly we finished everything on time. I also even tried it at home , because we have visitors. At first, the texture was too watery, so I thought I added too much milk and didn't pour the right amount of flour. I didn't expect the visitors to like it, so I made another one but then, I tried to make some changes, such as adding 1 cup flour, 1 cup milk, etc. So the second one is good, the colour, the crispiness and even the softness. I was really happy that everyone like it, and I will probably make this again for my breakfast or even as my desserts. 

Monday 17 May 2021

Pikelets - Home Economics

 Well in Home Economics, our very first dish we did for this term was called Pikelets. They are like a small version of a pancake, but they weren't. To describe they are small little tiny pikelets, and they are really easy to cook. For this one me and pair, since someone in the group wasn't at school, so we have to work together lastly because we might run our of time.


1 Cup Plan flour

1 t baking powder

1/4 t of salt

1 egg

1/4 c sugar

3/4 c milk

Method :

1. Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl.

2. In another bowl beat the egg and sugar with a whisk until pale and thick.

3. Add the egg mixture and the milk to the dry ingredients and mix until just combined.

4. Gently heat a non-stick pan over medium heat and brush with a little melted butter. Drop tablespoonfuls of the mixture from the point of the spoon onto the surface.

5. When the bubble start to burst on the top of the pikelets, turn them over and cook the second side until golden.

6. Place on a cooling rack.

7. Serve with a sweet or savoury topping.

Apologies we forgot to take a picture for our mise en place.

For me when we were making it we really didn't have a hard time making it since we didn't have any troubles, because we understand each other, and we help each other when we get stuck on something. We both have a job, and we plan and make sure that were both are always doing a job. When we were cooking the pikelets, we first put a tiny amount just to check the heat is right. Then we also have to keep on checking it, so while my buddy is looking after it, I have to do the dishes since I was schedule to do it. Then when it was time to flip it over, I take over it and then repeating on putting the right amount and also make sure it has the right shape. Thanks to our teacher because she gave us a tip, what is the right way to put it on the pan and cook it nicely. When we finish cooking it, we both tried it and I was actually shocked that it was good. The fact I know the butter made the pikelets rich and moist. It was so soft when you bite on it, and it was not that sweet at all. But for me, it will be great if we put something savoury as our toppings and even the smell like a honey sorts of stuff. Over all, I think we did a wonderful job doing it even though it was only the two of us. I'm really proud because we finish it on time.

Dilution and Filtration

Last week, in Science we talked about dilution and filtration. That's why we also look and experiment what will be the reaction when we use the cooper nitrate, then constantly putting 1ml of water on the test tubes. 

 Equipment- Test tube rack, 4 test tubes, pipette, the chemical solutions Copper Nitrate and Sodium Hydroxide

Method- Take 4 test tubes, in the first test tube measure and pour in 10ml of Copper Nitrate. Then take 1ml from the first test tube and pipette into the second test tube. Add 9ml of water to make it up to 10ml. Then repeat for the third and fourth test tubes. 

Making the precipitate- Now add 5ml of Sodium Hydroxide to each test tube and take a picture in front of white paper. 


Which test tube had the most concentrated sample of Copper nitrate?
Ans: The first test tube, was the most concentrated because it has the most strongest colour and show the best reaction. Out of the rest because,the second test tube copper nitrate were fading away since we were diluting it by putting 9ml of water.
When we added water what were we doing to the concentration of the solution? 
Ans: So when we add the water we were diluting the copper nitrate, that's why it becomes more clearer when it comes to the last test tube.
Which concentration of copper nitrate formed the most precipitate, why do you think this is the case?
Ans: It is obviously the first one because it wasn't mixed with any chemicals, like water, etc. That's why it was the most blue.
Solvent: The substance in which the solute dissolves (liquid)
Solute : Substance being dissolved
Filtrate : A liquid which has passed through a filter.
Precipitate : Cause (a substance) to be deposited in solid form from a solution.