
Friday 27 November 2020

Planet Detective

 In our Science, we all were learning about the different mass between one planet and another.But furthermore it was more actually based on the planet Mercury, and Earth some were questions is some how kinda not easy to answer which took me a lot of time to do. Same rule, we just need to research it and write it as an explanation writing. So my goal was to write at least 6-7 sentences, and make sure it was explained properly and it was understandable. 

What are two reasons Mercury lost most of its atmosphere?

There are many reasons why Mercury lost most of its atmosphere, unlike the other planet. It was because of the little gas it has its trillion thinner air, and at the surface of the Earth therefore it was completely undetectable by any of the normal means, and because of its lower surface of gravity even to the Sun. And any of the gases that currently exist to the surface will immediately escape within the short period of time. Did you know that Mercury’s original atmosphere formed 4.6 billion years ago with the rest of the other solar planets. It has a lower gravity because it is really close to the sun surface, and it sometimes receives some buffeting from it’s solar wind. Mercury is made out of hydrogen, helium, oxygen, sodium, potassium and water vapour. Helping this solar planet to hold on to its atmosphere is its magnetic field, while the other gravity helps the other gases to the surface. Even more the magnetic field helps to deflect the solar wind around the planet. Like it does to the Earth, the atmosphere of Mercury is also one of the most tenuous in the solar system. And that’s why the solar wind will still blow much of its way. So the sources on the planet were constantly filling up again.

Compare how close Mercury & the Earth are to the Sun

The Mercury is the closest planet in the sun, as such it circles more faster than the other planets. On the other hand the Earth is on average astronomical apart from the sun, and then Venus will be leading second after Mercury. In terms of orbits Mercury and Earth could not be more than different from one another, the hot planet(Mercury) has the most eccentric orbit other than any planet of the solar system. Just because of that it makes it closer to the sun between 46 million km, as its closest to 70 million km, as its fathers. That puts Mercury much more closer to the sun, and it will actually only take 87.969 Earth days, but for Earth it will take 365.25 days. Also Mercury will be the second descent planet after the Earth that had a huge metallic core, and even Mercury speeds around the sun every 88 Earth days. 

Compare how much mass Mercury & Earth have.

According to density, mass, and even volume. The mass and volume of Mercury is the only about 0.055 times of the Earth,but because mercury is the smallest planet among the rest it also means it has small mass that enclosed the inside a tiny body. The planet only weight in 5.427 grams per cubic centimetre, or 89 percent of the density of our planet. Approximately the Mercury mass 0.330 x 1024 kg. So we all know that Earth is also one  of the terrestrial planet, and it is the largest and densest, withe the average of 6.371.0 km. And a mean of density of 5.514 g/cm3. Furthermore the mass of the Earth will be 5.97 x 1024 kg. 

How does not having an atmosphere affect the temperature on Mercury?

We all know that the Mercury is the closet to the sun, and it doesn't have any atmosphere. And the only problem is that it intensely affects the temperature on its surface, when it doesn't have any atmosphere is present the sun during the day it enter directly leading to the very very high temperature. Just when the night and the sun is not present, the temperature of the plane is the opposite of hot. When it was cold it will make it an unfavourable to live on, as it does't have any atmosphere at all. The sunlight cannot be entrapped and even the temperature reaches to its minus during nights. That's one of the reason why we were lucky enough to live in Earth, because it was not that really close to the sun unlike the Mercury and the other planet who was affected by this.

Where do names Mercury and Whiro come from? What are some other names of the planet?

Mercury or also called Takero, Aparangi, or Whiro. Whiro actually stands for the lord of darkness and embodiment of all evil , in Maori mythology. He inhabits the underground and it was responsible for the ills of all the individuals, as a contrast to his brother and to his enemy Tane. For Neptune it was called Tangaroa or Takaroa, for Uranus it was known in Maori as Rakipo, Wherangi or Rangipo. For the Earth, this has a personal name Papatuanuku. Then for the moon it was usually called as Marama but sometimes it was called as Rona, Mars as Matawhero sometimes Tumataueka. Jupiter can be called as Parearau, Kopunui or Rangawhenua. Then lastly Saturn it was called Parearau, it was confusing because it has the sme dilect as the Jupiter.But it was most commonly called Rongo. 

Wind Power

Here in our Science class, we have to create a poster about wind, solar and geothermal. At first we have to choose a buddy, and worked together as a team. And when we prove that we can work together really well, we will get some points. So for me I didn't work with one of my closet friend, so I work with a different person who I usually don't hangout a lot with. She was Evelyn, the both us think that we can create a poster about wind mills. In the diagram we have to include a photo or a drawing, and also a description of how the energy source works. The disadvantage and advantage. 

One of us is putting some information and brain storming stuff, while the other one is drawing and researching the 3 disadvantage and the advantage of win power. That one is my job, since the other day my partner is now here. So I have to take over, and actually I was rushing since we have to finish it in 20 minutes, and I was having a hard time because I'm only by myself. Furthermore, luckily I finish it in time, and I added the things that it need to be included. 

So how it work?

- So when the blades start moving, the three blades will spin a shaft that will lead to generator.

- Those generator can consists of an conductor, like a coiled wire. That are surrounded by the magnets/

-Rotating shaft turns the magnets all around to its conductor and also it generates an electrical current.

- All of the sensor causes the above of all turbine, to rotate to face into the wind and the three sharp blades will change their angle to best catch those winds. And let me tell you the blades are flexible and will automatically stop spinning if the wind is too strong. 


- Wind turns the turbine blades.

- Spinning the shaft

-Generating electricity

- An inverted converts electricity from to DC to AC.

- The electricity is connected directly to its main power, or sometimes it was connected to a battery bank. Or maybe connected to the electricity grid.  

Advantages :                                                                           Disadvantages:

- Renewable energy                                                          - Unreliable wind strength

- Pollution - free                                                                - Threat to wildlife.

- Cost - effective                                                               - Noise disturbance.

Photo : 

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Margaret Mahy

 This will be my second activity that I have to do, and this time I have to create a biography about Margaret Mahy. Who is an children's books author, and my second task is to tell you guys the 8 new things that I have learned about her. I actually didn't have any idea that she will be an author, at first I thought that she is just an ordinary women who did something that change this country. Actually in other word she is a women who, didn't give p writing her stories.

8 new things I have learned :

- Margaret Mahy, is the oldest among the rest. She is born in Whakatane. And was born in March 21, 1936. Mahy is writer for the children and adult, and her books was translated in 15 different language.

- Secondly Mahy book always reflect her delight in fantasy, magic, adventure, humour, etc. I also learned about her parents, why she start writing. Her father was a engineer who also read different stories to them, and in other hand her mother was a teacher who teach young people in Primary. 

- Then she even wrote her first story when she was at the age of seven. And in 1955 she attended the New Zealand Library School in Wellington, then she receive her diploma. Then work for he Petone Public  Library. 

- In 1967 she had her stories published in the New Zealand Journal, and at the time of 1980 she become a full-time writer and has even receive tons of awards. And had the honour for her contribution to New Zealand and the children's literature.

- And Mahy was even the first recipient of the Auckland College of Education's in 2002. In 2005, Mahy receive a secondary doctorate and the Phoenix award in Canada . At the same year she was honoured as a living icon of New Zealand art.

- In December 2015, the Margaret Mahy was opened in Christchurch. the playground design was actually inspired by one of her best known fantasy book.

- Margaret Mahy Treasury, the eleven favourite stories from the marvellous Margaret Mahy was published by puffin in 2011.

- 23,July 2012. At the age of 76 Mahy passed away. Everyone missed her in the New Zealand children's publishing world, even though she passed away her marvellous work still continues of the young generations of New Zealanders. 

Water safety

In our wananga, the 7-9 people need to do a few exercises while the others is doing some test. That activity depends on our EOTC week that will occur one week from now, we as a whole need to make in any event 1 activity structure from each slide. The absolute initial one I made is to make 8 tips on water well being, and I utilised the site called canva to make a banner. It was simple and furthermore fun utilising it, so here is the banner I made about how to be protected in the water. For me it was truly critical to realise that how will generally be protected despite the fact that I'm now a young person, since I would prefer not to place my life into a damage.

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Christchurch, 2011 earthquake

 This week we are finding out about the 2011 Christchurch, quake. Same thing we as a whole need to research and watch recordings about the fiasco, and furthermore this task is our last unit. We took a gander at how the quake change our city , and furthermore the individuals here. There's likewise just 4 inquiries we need to answer, and some of them I need to discover more about it because occasionally it just tell a little realities/facts. Just fortunately a portion of the reciprocal content helped me a lot,because I need to help my thoughts and on the off chance that I don't have that much answer for me it seems like I don't research and peruse the content that was given to us. Also I have to do a task when I have to create a D.L.O about my favourite place here in Christchurch, and why is it important to me or why it was my favourite place. 

So here is the slide:

Wednesday 11 November 2020


 A lot of thing that happen here on our Hurumanu. This week we as a class were discussing protest, that occurred here in New Zealand and why they are significant. There's various sorts of dissent like when a lot of individuals needed to change something,racism, LGBTQ, But generally I had been truly center about these protest,and it was about ladies suffrage.At the primary spot this thing grabbed my eye, and it's not on the grounds that I'm a youngster. It was on the grounds that I needed figure out how every ladies here in New Zealand, go to bat for their privileges and how they battled with government with no viciousness or any harm to the network. 

Question: Why do you think it's important to learn about our local heroes ? 

It's really important to remember them and to learn how they fought for the country. And to actually learn how positive they are, and how they shows commitment when these local heroes were having a hard time. That's why for me, it is really good for us to learn about them and be respectful to each of them.  

I took in a ton about these, and including learning new words and what does each word mean from the diverse dissent subject. This time for my introduction I utilised slide to put the realities that I learned. Furthermore, here is additionally a DLO about Springbok Tour.


Monday 9 November 2020

Egg Drop Science

 In our Hurumanu 3 class, them and I are doing this challenged were it include communicating with others. In day there's this a lot of steps we have to follow,and the first one was to plan and test some of the ideas we have. And me and Linny did different tasks, like one of us is making the base. Then one is helping out to put the tape, and put them all together. The next day, one more person joined our team she helped us put the plastic parachute that I created on the side. I was really scared at the very first place, because we are not allowed to put something soft around the egg like tape. So I thought why not put some foam,and shape it like a box so that the egg is protected inside. 


1. Create the base and put a soft foam on it, and then put another base that was made of Popsicle sticks and stocked by a tape. 

2. Then that's time where we created the box foam, so we can put the egg on it. The thing is that it need to be secure, and make sure it won't fall off.

3. And then the last thing is that I created a parachute that has hole in its 4 sides, and put a 4 strings then tie on the side of the base. 

Things you need :

Popsicle sticks, tape, square foams, scissors, plastic, and a strings. 

We were in rush because we only have 20 minutes to create it, and one of my team mate is is being in rush and really panicked. The real question was did the egg survive: Yes, it survive because there's a lot of foam that is compress with each other. And the parachute is big enough to help it land smoothly. Uploading: 353998 of 353998 bytes uploaded.       LINK for the VIDEO: VIDEO 

Friday 6 November 2020


Kia Ora, welcome back to my blog and today is another lesson of science. This time, I'm here to share to you guys what we have been doing, and I have been researching. So I was researching about "GRAVITY", and same rules I  have to answer the questions that was given.

1. Is gravity the same on all planets? 
-  Some of them are the same as the gravity, but not all. And to support my answer I learnt that the Venus is a similar gravity as the Earth, and following up Mars is also similar to the Earths gravity. While in other hand the 7 planets were the opposite way such as the Mercury, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. It just depend on the size of the planets, mass and the object. And when it comes the solar systems, which is massive and in every size and mass that cause the strength of gravity o their surfaces varies considerably. They all come into a different sizes, because they all have their own properties. They are all different distance away form the sun, and all of them are made out of stuff form the Earth planet. 
2. How is gravity related to mass?
-   Well mass is where when one of the object and a person is weightless on one of the planets, causes of the lack(not having enough) of the gravity. Firstly gravity is an attraction between a two objects that have the mass, well the amount of gravity is always directly to the mass amount of the object. And inversely (the opposite of order) proportional to an square of the distance between the two objects. Then the gravity is a force that increase the speed the object of falling, because they accelerate(began to move very quickly) .What I'm saying is that the Earth's gravity comes from all its mass. In short answer the objects that have more mass have more of the gravity, and sometimes the gravity also gets weaker every time with distance. So when one of the object is closer to one another, the stronger the gravitational pulls up. 

3. Calculate your weight on the other planets in our solar system.  Which planet would you weight the most on? The least?
- My weight here on Earth is 38 Kg, and for Mercury I weight 14.4. And actually I was shocked that I only weight like that, and then I just notice that I weighted the same when I'm in Mars. The planet that I weighted the most is Jupiter because I weighted 88.9. In some planets I weighted 42.6, 34.10,etc.

4. How would your life be different if you lived on a planet with a higher gravity? With lower gravity?
- So in the event that we as a whole lived in a higher gravity, we as a whole would die. Why? Well it was since, supposing that the gravity is solid the entirety of our platelets will be pulled down , and possibly our bone may break which isn't acceptable. Also, even we could be nailed to the cold earth like, at that point couldn't move all pieces of your body in light of the high gravity. At times you wouldn't have the option to breath appropriately, and it may crush your chest. We as a whole should be considered about the sun, in light of the weight that it delivered which is the hotness , while the gravity arranges it. The expansion of gravity does it most exceedingly terrible harm far below the world's surface. 

On the off chance that we don't have quite a bit of gravity it would in the long run brings it cost down on all our planets. the itself would be destined to break separated into certain lumps and buoy off into space. What's more, without the power of gravity to hold it together, there's this exceptional weights its center would make it a burst open in a titanic blast.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

World War 1

 Kia Ora everybody, today in our social Studies. There's this new task  where we need to do the complementary content, and this week we are finding out about the entire story of WW1 including the New Zealand women. At the first place the entire class and I need to conceptualise the thing we ALREADY know, and we even watch a video that discussed the nation that battled with one another. This week task was by one way or another troublesome in light of the fact that we need to respond to a ton of inquiries, and a some of the videos that was intended for us to watch didn't work. Questions of the inquiries are kinda hard and that we were unable to discover the appropriate response in google or in the content. 

I took in a great deal about WW1 and realities about the ones who took after crafted by the men. So here is the record brimming with my answer, and here is my little bit of blurb that I made.  So to give a little snippet about my drawing. At the top you can see the Title says " NZ WW1", and after ward at base left you can see a trooper holding a banner and a weapon behind me. As the shadow of the soldiers there this cross , that took after them that they kicked the bucket with penance. I simply need to be innovative, and after ward at the base right you can see these three crosses. In the center you can see the huge one since that speaks to the head of New Zealand. and after ward alongside it, there's some mineral cross. At the lower part of it, the poppies since when they all kicked the bucket the poppies ascend in every one of the graves

LINK for document: WW1 LINK