
Monday 1 March 2021

Pizza Swirls

In our Home Economics, we made " Pizza swirls. It was somewhat simple to do, but the fact that we need to move quick since this will set aside a ton of effort to do. I truly love making this, and I would again suggest this. Despite the fact that there's a ton of things to experience.

Ingredients :

50g butter 

2 cups flour

1 Tbl baking powder 

1/2 tsp salt

3/4 - 1 cup of milk 

1 cup grated cheese 

1/2 onion 

2 rashers bacon or ham slices

1 tsp of oil

1/2 cup tomato puree or pasta sauce

1 tsp mixed herbs or chopped parsley 



- Preheat the oven to 220 degrees bake or 200 degrees fan bake

- Shift the flour, baking powder and salt into a medium sized bowl

- Cut butter into small pieces (grated if cold) and rub with your fingertips into the flour mixture until the mixture looks like a large breadcrumbs

-Make a well in the middle of flour mixture and pour in most of the milk

- Mix with a bread knife until the mixture binds together     

- Add more milk if necessary and use your hands at the end to help combine the dough into a ball shape.

- Place dough onto a lightly floured board and roll into a rectangle type of shape ( 35cmx22cm)

- Chop the onion and bacon or ham into small pieces and saute in a small fry pan or saucepan with a t of oil

- Spread the tomato sauce over the rolled out dough and arrange the onion and bacon on top

- Sprinkle grated cheese and mixed herbs

- Roll up the rectangle dough with the filling inside 

- Cut it into even sized circles about 3cm in width and place face down on a greased oven tray

- Bake for 12-15 mins until they are golden and smell cooked

-Remove form oven and let cool for 5 minutes.

As I would see it about this one, well I truly love the wonderful way it ends up and even its flavor. The mixture and the sauce, and even the fixings made the taste more rich. I truly love the texture, and I think me and my team did pretty truly well despite the fact that we struggled sorting out which one of us accomplish the work. This formula is a particularly decent sweet, and you don't need to get some pizza since you effectively make one all alone in 60 minutes.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Lhysette. I am glad you enjoyed the Pizza Swirls. They are quick to make once you have prepared all your toppings. Your group did have a few issues that lesson with sharing the jobs. Hopefully you have come to an agreement about this. Your photos are displaying. You may need some technological help with these.


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