
Tuesday 8 January 2019

Activity 2... ( WEEK 3 )

 Kumusta guys, welcome back for my another blog post and today task is about superpower that could be more fun and I can't wait to start this task " Let's Go".

  So my task is to think a superpower that I would like to have and why I'd like it. What about you guys if you could have a superpower, what could it be??.

   My superpower would be to fly because if I can fly I can easily see the beautiful nature of the world and I want to fly because I can go were ever I want and I can easily visit my family in the Philippines. If I can fly I would love to help the poor people because if I can fly and a poor people need help I can easily help them I can easily go there because of my super powers of flying.

 Thank you guys for reading this blog post hope you enjoy it if you have some question that you want to ask I'm happy to answer you also don't forget to give me your awesome feedback. Thank you again and have a lovely day. Bye.

Activity 1... ( WEEK 3 )

 Hi guys, welcome back for my another blog post and today's task is about my bird and I'm exited to share to you my bird.

So my task is to a short description of my bird and tell where does my bird normally live, and what does my bird normally eat. Here is my short description. 

   The name of my bird is "Koko" she is a type of a bird that lived in the forest she normally eat banana. Koko like to play with the people and when you called here name she was gonna look at you and he will come close to you, she is very lovely and playful bird.My bird was a zebra dove but in the Philippine we called them Bato bato. ( SORRY I DON"T HAVE A PICTURE OF MY BIRD BECAUSE SHE WAS IN HE PHILIPPINES)

  Thank you guys for reading this blog post hope you like it and if have some question that you want to ask I'm happy to answer you also don't forget to give me your thoughtful feedback. Thank you again and have a great day. Bye.

Activity 3... ( WEEK 3 )

 Hello guys, welcome back for my another blog post and today's blog is about maths problem again and I'm really exited to do it.

  So my main goal is to try to solve the maths problem that they gave and it was very tricky for me so I try my best and here is the answer for my maths problem.

If it will take for about 5 days to removed each moulded, each day that they are removing mould they could remove for about 1 to 2 mould each day.
7 divide by 5=1.4
It will take for about 35 days to remove each mould and it will take 5 weeks to completely remove all the mould in the room.
7 x 5=35

35 divide by  7=5

Thank you guys for reading my blog post hope you like it and if you have some question that you want to ask I'm happy to answer you also don't forget to give me your thoughtful feedback. Thank you again and have a great day.Bye.

Activity 2... ( WEEK 3 )

 Kia Ora guys, welcome back for my another blog post and today task is a bit weird for me you know why just look down below for my reason..

   So my task is if I can design a sink that could gather up the food that I don't like and drain them away. So my main goal is tell to you guys what I would put in my special sink.

So I would like to put this food because I hate eating them:
I hate chilli, pickle, pepper, durian and beans sprout these are the thing that I would like to put on my special sink.
What about you guys what is the food that you would like to put on your special sink???

Thank you guys for reading my blog post hope you like it and if have some question that you want to ask I'm happy to answer also don't forget to give me your thoughtful feedback. Thank you again and have a great day. Bye.

Activity 1... ( WEEK 3 )

Kia Ora everyone, welcome back for my another blog post and to today task is about bumble bee and I'm really exited to learn some new things.

For this activity is to fill the five sentences that they gave and fill the blanks carefully, and this sentences is all about bumblebee. Do you know that the bumblebee is first introduces to New Zealand in 1885 to help pollinate a very special plant called the ' Red Clover ', and the bumblebees do many jobs like the pollination of the greenhouse and orchard crops and other. Also if the bees did not pollination the plants they couldn't survive


The word ‘bumblebee’ is a compound word (bumble + bee). The word ‘bumble’ means to .hum, buzz, or drone.

Bumblebees can fly very quickly. They can reach ground speeds of 54 kilometres per hour (km/h).

Bumblebees are very strong! They carry up to 90 percent of their body weight in food with them to avoid starvation.

Bumblebees can do more work and carry more pollen than other bees, including honeybees. In fact, they can do up to   50 times as much work as a normal honeybee.

The number of bumblebees is declining in New Zealand due to a number of factors, including the removal of wildflowers and flowering trees, habitat loss,
and extensive use of pesticides.

Thank you guys for reading my blog posy if you have some
question that you want to ask I'm happy to answer also don't
forget to give me your awesome feedback. Thank you again
hope you have a great day.Bye.

Activity 3...

Hi guys welcome back for my another blog post and for today task is about temperatures I'm really happy to know this thing. Look down below and get ready.

   So my task for today is to make a graph that show the temperatures that they gave. It was fun making a graph and here the graph that I make of hope you like it.

                                           MY GRAPH 

Thank you guys for reading my blog hope you like and sorry that this blog post is a short one also if you have some question that you want to ask I'm happy to answer, don't forget to give me your helpful feedback. Thank you again and have a great day. Bye.

Activity 2... ( WEEK 3 )

 Hi guys, welcome back for my another blog post and for today task is about how can you be a sun smart in summer, I'm very exited for this task so let's go...

    So my main task is to list five different things that can help us to protect ourselves from the sun this Summer. So here is my five things that can help you to protect you selves from the sun this summer.

Always put a hat when your outside because when you were a hat they can protect you head and you neck.

When your doing swimming don't forget to put Sun screen because you might get a sun burn.

Always be in the shade when your waiting outside and don't always stay in the sun just find some shade that you stay.

Put sunglasses so it can protect your eyes.

When your doing swimming were a long sleeve because it protect your whole arm and you also don't get sunburn when you wear a long sleeve.  

     Thank you guys for reading this blog post hope you enjoy it if you have some question that you want to ask I'm happy to answer you also don't forget to give me your awesome feedback. Thank you again and have a lovely day. Bye.

Activity 1... ( WEEK 3 )

 Hello guys, welcome back for my another blog post and today I'm really exited to start my Week 3 activity and I'm really happy to start the activity because it look like it about the nature.

 So my task is about to least three things that tourist could do while they were here and visit the NZ and what could be the time of the year I think would be the best for the tourist to come and visit.

   Ber months.
It is the mount when spring started.

    In Summer you could feel the warm breeze and do some fun activity like hiking, biking and others.

The summer is great because you can fly a kite with the warm breeze that the sun gave.

When it's summer you could visit the beautiful nature outside and you could also visit some amusement park. 

         Thank you guys for reading this blog post hope you enjoy it if you have some question I would love to answer your question also don't forget to give me your thoughtful feedback. Thank you guys again and hope you have some awesome day. Bye.


Friday 4 January 2019

Activity 1..

 Kia Ora everyone,welcome back for my another blog post and today task is about fishing in New Zealand and I'm here to talk about these things.

  So over the past some fisherman have caught too many fish in one area so when it happens again they will call the area "over fished" and it is called to all private. If some of the people caught fishing in these areas they are required to pay a money that will cause $100 000 for over fishing.
    So my goal is to tell to everyone what I think about the rule and why I think it.
  My answer:
I think the rule that they give is good but the money is too big but the rule that they give is good because if they don't give that rule they won't be will no more fish left and that area would be sad because if they don't give that rule all of the people will come to that area and try to finish the fish and that was not good at all.

     Thank you guys for reading my blog post if you have some question that you want to ask I'm happy to answer you also don't forget to give me your helpful feedback.Thank you again and have a great day. Bye.

Activity 3..

 Hi guys, welcome back for my another blog pots and for today's task is about to write a short story for the picture and I'm really exited to do this.

So my task will be write a short story what I think is happening in the picture and I choose only one picture I have to tell to you guys where you think the people are what you thing they were doing at the time they stopped to pose for the selfie.

 Here is the short story that maid.
I chose the selfie #3.
Lina was a tourist in Venice Italy. She was with her friends who will stay in Italy for 3 months. Lina and her friends loves travelling around the world. As they stayed in Italy they decided to go around near the hotel that they are staying the moment that their in Italy. As they were wandering around they found out a great view to have a selfie and it was close to the like and the view at the background a colourful houses that catches everyone's eyes. Lina first take the selfie cause she loved the view. The place was in Grand Canal Italy. It was a famous canal that every tourist would love to go. Because Lina and her friends were already in Italy they took the chance to wander around and go the famous canal and have a selfie.

Thank you guys for reading this blog post hope you enjoy it if you have some question that you want to ask I'm really happy to answer you also don't forget to give me your thoughtful feedback. Thank you again and have a great day.Bye.

Activity 2...

 Hi guys, welcome back for my another blog post and for today's topic is geothermal pool and I'm here to share to you some cool things.

 So my thing will be list three to five options for the name of this geothermal pool, also I have to think some names for the pool and let my creative juices flow.

So here is the name that I came up...
 The legend of the Green Sea.(*)

The Green land
Fantasy land
Greenish Island
Nature land.               

  Thank you guys for reading this blog post hope you enjoy it if you have some question that you want to ask I'm happy to answer you also don't forget to give me your positive feedback. Thank you again and have a great day. Bye.                       

Activity 1..

 Kumusta everyone, welcome back for my another blog post and for today's blog post is about Milford sound and that was a interesting and it looks like it was a about travelling let’s see if it is about exploring  let’s look down and see.

So my task for today is to tell  to you guys which are the three options that I would take to explore the Milford sounds and the options are to visit the Milford Sound by a boat, foot ( walking to go to the Milford Sound)or helicopter this are the three options.
 On my opinion I would like to a ride on the boat because it will give me some fresh air that can calm me so easily and also when I ride on the boat I can also hear the sound of the water and it feel really relaxing also I can see the beautiful view of the nature outside. That why I would love to rid on the boat.   
  What about you guys what would you pick???
Thank you guys for reading this blog post and hope you enjoy it and if you have some question that you want to ask I'm happy to answer also don't forget to give me your helpful feedback. Thank you again and have a great lovely day. Bye.

Activity 3..

 Kia Ora everyone, welcome back again for my another Summer Learning Journey task and today's task is about problem solving and I'm really exited to solve the maths equation so let's go.

   So my main goal is tell how I solve this maths problem and it was a bit hard for me to understand this maths problem and my sister try to help and I understand it easily because my sister give me a clue so here is the problem solving..

   The Problem..

In the situation of the squid it weighs approximately 500g, it is needed to move the giant squid from one area of the museum to another. Deep in the ocean. Because it weighs for about 500 g it needs about 12 adults and 12 children to move the giant squid.


25 kg and the average child can lift 15 kg

I added the average can lift of an adult and a child it was 40


After getting the sum I then divided the sum of the adult and child to the average weight of the squid which is 500

500 divided by 40=12.5

After i divide it and get the sum of 12.5 i now multiply it to the average can adult(25kg) and child(15 kg) can lift. Then i added the total i get from multiplying which is 500

total= 500

This is why I answered 12 adults and 12 children who can who can move the squid.

Thank you guys for reading my blog post hope you like it and if you have some question that you want to ask and really happy to answer you also don't forget to give me your positive feedback. Thank you again and hope you have a great day. Bye.

Activity 2...

 Hi guys, welcome back for my another blog post and for today's blog post is about my favourite food again but it kinda a bit different look down below for the reason.

So my task was about to share a list of the ingredients that I need to make this food and list this ingredients myself.

1/4 cup and 65 ml of a soy sauce
1/2 cup 125 ml of white Filipino can vinegar, or distilled white vinegar.
6-8 cloves garlic smashed with the side of a knife and peeled it carefully.
1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns.
2 bay leaves.
6 skin-on bone -in chicken thighs.


 Thank you guys for reading my blog post hope you like it and if you have some question I'm happy to answer you also don't forget to give me helpful feedback. Thank you again and hope you have a great day. Bye.

Activity 1...

Hi guys, welcome back for my another blog post for today’s blog is about sleeping and I’m excited because now I’m Day 3 on my Week 2.

  So my main goal was to tell to you guys whether if I was a night owl or an early riser if you kinda don’t know what is night owl or an early riser they are not same you know why  because a night owl is when you sleep so late and an early riser is when you woke up so early in the morning. So let’s go back on my goal so my second goal is to tell to you guys about the rest of my family and if they are the same as me when I woke up and sleep.

    So I was a night owl because sometimes I was sleeping so late like 11 to 12 pm and I was not a early riser because sometimes I woke up 10 to 11 am but my family and I are not the same because my mum is not a night owl because she sleep like 8 to 9 pm but she was a early riser because she always woke up like 7 to 8 am, but my sister is really a night owl because sometimes she sleep like 12 to 1 pm and she was not an early riser because she woke up like 11 to 12 am sometimes and my dad is like my mum I think they are the same. I would say that we are not all the same at all.

Thank you guys for reading my blog post hope you like it and if you have some question that you want to ask my happy to answer you also don't forget to give me your feedback. Thank you again and have lovely day.Bye

Activity 3...

    Kia Ora everyone, welcome for my another blog post and for today I’m going to tell to you some interesting things.

So my main goal is to pick two plants and list the three similarities and three difference between the two plants that I choose.

 Rafflesia Arnoldii

rafflesia arnoldii

    Same thing:
Corpse flower and the Rafflesia flower the both plant produce an uncomfortable smell.
They are both mainly leaving in Sumatra.
The both flowers are big but not it was not in the same size.

  Not In the Same thing:
Rafflesia flower is the biggest individual flower in the world.
 That the Rafflesia flower can grow up to a size of three feet.
That its smaller than the Corpse flower by considering some elements.

Corpse Flower.
corpse flower

 Same thing:
Corpse flower and the Rafflesia flower the both plant produce an uncomfortable smell.
They are both mainly leaving in Sumatra.
The both flowers are big but not it was not in the same size.

Not In the Same thing:
That the Corpse flower bloom only in every 40 years.
Corpse flower are protected by law as it is because this Corpse plants is a very rare one.
During flowering the Corpse plant stands at 8.2 feet tall.

   Thank you guys for reading my blog post hope you really enjoy it if you have some question that you want to ask I'm happy to answer you also don't forget to give me your thoughtful feedback. Thank you again and have a really great day. Bye.


Activity 2...

    Kia Ora everyone, welcome for my another blog post and for today I’m going to tell to you who is the person who is really strong for me.

My task will be to share to you who is the person and why did I pick here in my own opinion, also is she strong and tough.

The person that is strong is our Mom, they are the toughest person the world. From the very beginning when they are carrying us in their womb for almost 9 month is was tough for them to carry us for that long, so they became brave and strong for us. My mom is always there to guide us and mom started to work for us even though her job was tough for her because she was a girl. I know every mom was like my mom, they will do everything just for us. As well as fathers all over the world, they were also tough, and strong at any aspects.
You guys who is person do you think is strong enough on your opinion??
Thank you again guys for reading my blog post if you have some question I'm really happy to answer you also don't forget to give me your helpful feedback. Thank you again guys hope you have a great lovely day. Bye.

Activity 1..

 Hello guys, welcome back for my blog post and for today's task is about Flax weaving do you guys know that?? well I'm not sure what is it to but maybe if we look down below we might know what is it..

     Do you know guys that Flax weaving is an art form that is a long history for the New Zealand collection natural plant and you know that they used them to create cloaks, basket, mats , traps ad ropes. Have you tried it??

   My goal is to tell to you guys if I like to try it or not and also I also have to tell if making Flax weaving is interest me? WHY OR WHY NOT???

I would like to try making this Flax weaving because it looks like it was really cool for me and it was the New Zealand collection natural plant and also this Flax weaving can also make some cool thing like basket and ropes and others. Flax weaving is really interest me because I already tried this thing before and it was super fun and it can also make you stress gone because when you make it was hard at the first but when you try again and again it can make you feel proud to yourself that's why it was really lovely..

   Thank you again for reading this blog post hope you enjoy it and also if you have some question that you want to ask I'm happy to answer you also don't forget to give me your thoughtful feedback. Thank you again have a great lovely day. Bye.